new here


New member

well hello everyone. my name is xxxxxx. Im new to the site but so far everyone has been very helpful. I think I jumped the gun without reading the rules and I apologize if I offended anyone. well in a nut shell im 37 years old and have been working out for about 4 years around 180 lbs and 5"8.

I have tried for many years to get my body where I want it and for some reason it just wont happen. im not fat by any means but I just cant seem to gain muscle like everyone else I see at the gym. my buddy xxxx works out with me 4 times a week and I see the results in him are just amazing, and here I sit just the same old xxxx. im not ripped, im not big, im not muscular at all. my buddy xxxx has earned the name the bread man at the gym because of his chest. it looks like two loaves of bread pushed together and just stuck to his chest. I should get the nick name dough boy. I do the same work out that he does, with the same amount of reps and the  same amount weight. so what the hell is the problem....... I just don't get it.

I have finally got my wife to agree on letting me try anabolics......... yay...

I have read so much and studied so much and im just ready. im so excited to try this and see what happens. I did get some good advice from one of the members here about getting some blood work done and go from there. I never thought it could be that simple.

well anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me rant, and any advice I can get im willing to listen and try.



Well-known member

Thank you for the intro and welcome to MG!

For your security change your profile information. Keep the personal stuff private for your own protection. If I was looking to purchase illegal substances I certainly would not let the world know my name and where I lived.

Be Safe!




Welcome to MG! I have edited your introductory post as you can see. You have received good advice thus far.  Please make sure you read the rules and guidelines. We are pleased to have you here! 




Glad to have you on MG.  Stay active in the forums. I see you've jumped right in which is great. Continue to read and post and you'll reach your goals.  Patience is key.  I know I struggle with it too, but you'll want to take your time here.  Being certain you have a first cycle planned properly can take a month alone just to get the gear and PCT alone.  take that time to learn all you can.




Welcome and please take your info off as it pin points Where your from.

Good job reading the info on gear. Its not something to take lighly. Genetics play a massive part in this game. Good luck to you and you will get a lot of help here.




Welcome to MG brother! Here's a great sticky for you to read as a newbie in the world of aas.




welcome brother.

I gave you some advice on the other thread you created, if you have any questions/concerns, let us know chief. Im glad to help!




i strongly urge you to get blood work done so you have a baseline of your hormones BEFORE you run anything. That way you have that benchmark to compare AFTER your cycle & make sure everything goes back to "normal", i.e your personal benchmark.

good luck bro!



New member

I definitely will bro. I actually called and scheduled an appointment for wed morning so I will let you know when I get the results maybe you guys can help me read them and understand what I'm looking at. You guys have been so helpful.
