New here


New member

I've been monitoring this site since researching AAS. I've gotten a lot of good info from you guys and have gotten my gear already based on what I've read in these posts. I'll post in the cycle thread what I'm gonna do and hopefully get some good feedback. I'm 32 5'10" 175. I'm getting back in the games after over ten years. I know when I was using before I wasn't doing it right based on what I've read here. Typical high school kid just using what I could get my hands on from the older guys. I decided to start again cause I recently lost about 20 lbs (of muscle) by not eating or lifting (relationship issues). Decided to start to get an edge on getting back what I lost. I've been lifting for about 16 yrs. Looking forward to the feedback.




Yo Ytown82, welcome to our community. Rest assured that you have made the correct decision join in our community since we are the next generation of rewiew sites. We look forward to your contributions and hope to see you in the forums soon.
