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It’s a commitment like marriage. I’ve been married for 29 years so I’m no stranger to commitment. Bull I started testosterone at around 48 and I personally don’t think u should start until you’re truly deficient. After you have exhausted every alternative. You will have to take one or two shots till your last days on earth. You can’t just take it for 2 years and then say I’m going to do something else and I’m tired of taking them shots. I’m living the lifestyle of being the best I can be. I want to be a big mother fucker and healthy at the same time.
Absolutely agree, If you are ready to be on the cycle all your entire life, then this is a good option, but you must approach this responsibly.


As responsibly as I possibly can. I'm currently going through conciliation with action men's health about to pay another 165 dollars for lab work at a diagnostic center that I fear is going to Say yet again I'm just slightly Over the limit and in gonna waste another lumo sum when I cold just cut the crap and order it like a normal person haha. I guess better safe and certain than sorry


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I'm a non smoker snack on veggies and am not subjected to any abnormal stress. When I tested 440 I was using nugenix test booster and working out everyday I'm currently off due to an injury which is why I've began digging deep. I don't want to use steroids so to say just maybe test cyp or test e which from what I've read used correctly should be pretty safe provided I get what I think I'm getting. Plus my fiance would appreciate the libido increase
At 32 I had around 380, and I've always worked out, ate healthy, sports, life not that stressful. I guess genetics. But one thing I can tell you, this is one of the best decision I've ever made.