New member.


New member
Hello. I’m a new member to this forum. I’m not new to lifting, (mid 50s) have been using gear wisely for years with cycles, blasting & cruising. Always looking for legitimate online sources and lifting advice & comments. Definitely have a love for muscle growth, gear, camaraderie, training, nutrition etc.

Well-known member
welcome bro. but you're new to lifting, yet years of experience in cycling gear?


Well-known member
Welcome brother!
You will definitely find what you are looking for here!
Some awesome sources... (Check names and avatars)
As far as advice goes... You will definitely find the best of the best here!
Some really smart knowledgeable people here.

Except for that Gainz guy... He's an annoying know it all. We'd vote him off the island... But I think everyone just feels bad for him.

welcome bro. but you're new to lifting, yet years of experience in cycling gear?

I read it wrong too... He said "I'm new to the forum, I'm not new to lifting"

(See... Annoying know it all... God I hate that guy)

Well-known member
lol, yeah, sorry.
great we have annoying know it all guys around who can correct mistakes and point in the right direction. :ROFLMAO:


New member
welcome bro. but you're new to lifting, yet years of experience in cycling gear?
No, sorry if what I said was confusing. No, I’ve been lifting since I was 15 or so. I’m new to this forum. I’ve been using gear and cycling on and off for 20+years.