New to building


New member
Hi everyone. New to this forum and the body building world. Was natty up until last year. Found out I had been given fake gear after using roid test. Total waste of time and money. Looking for trusted source


Well-known member
Welcome, what's your age height weight?
What are you planning for your first cycle?
Planning a pct?

We don't like to push gear here unless someone is ready for it. Training, diet (most peoples diets are garbage), water intake and sleep have to be on point.
And of course what age is most important!
If you're younger than 25... Leave it alone!

And how do we know it's legit?
Well most of us here have been using the same source for years. So blood work backs it.
Plus hundreds of peer reviews. (Hint, hint... Check the source review section)

If I'm coming off as a dick... Well... I am one... 😂🤣. But I don't mean to be!
We only want what's best for you brother!

So please, share some more information and your goals and we can really help you get everything from dosage, pin schedule, pinning itself,calorie and protein intake... To pct and keeping what you built.

Id just feel... lazy if I said
"Buy from this place, it's good, you'll get jacked"
Then find out you're 19 and plan on running 1,200mg of test, 800mg of tren and 150mg of anadrol for the next 20 weeks.
(Hello winter blast idea... 😂🤣... IM JOKING... DON'T DO THAT!)

Getting on gear is a big deal brother, treat it as such.

Also... Welcome!

Well-known member
if you want to look anything similar to @Gainz. (check his avatar) better listen to him.
moreover, I am not trying to say your gear was fake, just trying to say that roidtest is not reliable. you need to send gear to independent third party labs to check them and be sure.
welcome man


New member
Welcome, what's your age height weight?
What are you planning for your first cycle?
Planning a pct?

We don't like to push gear here unless someone is ready for it. Training, diet (most peoples diets are garbage), water intake and sleep have to be on point.
And of course what age is most important!
If you're younger than 25... Leave it alone!

And how do we know it's legit?
Well most of us here have been using the same source for years. So blood work backs it.
Plus hundreds of peer reviews. (Hint, hint... Check the source review section)

If I'm coming off as a dick... Well... I am one... 😂🤣. But I don't mean to be!
We only want what's best for you brother!

So please, share some more information and your goals and we can really help you get everything from dosage, pin schedule, pinning itself,calorie and protein intake... To pct and keeping what you built.

Id just feel... lazy if I said
"Buy from this place, it's good, you'll get jacked"
Then find out you're 19 and plan on running 1,200mg of test, 800mg of tren and 150mg of anadrol for the next 20 weeks.
(Hello winter blast idea... 😂🤣... IM JOKING... DON'T DO THAT!)

Getting on gear is a big deal brother, treat it as such.

Also... Welcome!
Lmao this is good feedback. Thanks man


New member
Welcome, what's your age height weight?
What are you planning for your first cycle?
Planning a pct?

We don't like to push gear here unless someone is ready for it. Training, diet (most peoples diets are garbage), water intake and sleep have to be on point.
And of course what age is most important!
If you're younger than 25... Leave it alone!

And how do we know it's legit?
Well most of us here have been using the same source for years. So blood work backs it.
Plus hundreds of peer reviews. (Hint, hint... Check the source review section)

If I'm coming off as a dick... Well... I am one... 😂🤣. But I don't mean to be!
We only want what's best for you brother!

So please, share some more information and your goals and we can really help you get everything from dosage, pin schedule, pinning itself,calorie and protein intake... To pct and keeping what you built.

Id just feel... lazy if I said
"Buy from this place, it's good, you'll get jacked"
Then find out you're 19 and plan on running 1,200mg of test, 800mg of tren and 150mg of anadrol for the next 20 weeks.
(Hello winter blast idea... 😂🤣... IM JOKING... DON'T DO THAT!)

Getting on gear is a big deal brother, treat it as such.

Also... Welcome!
I’m 27, 5’9. 190lbs. No PcT in mind but definitely willing to take your advice

Considering T and Var


Well-known member
I’m 27, 5’9. 190lbs. No PcT in mind but definitely willing to take your advice

Considering T and Var

No pct?
Meaning blasting and cruising? Or you don't know what a good pct is?

So for a very first cycle I recommend 300-400mg of test for 16 weeks.
You should really start with test alone.
Think of it like a science experiment. You want to start with the fewest amount of variables.
So if 8 weeks in and your getting acne or water retention or literally anything... You know it's coming from the test.
Where if you start with test and var... You will have no idea what is causing it!

That said... If you really want to run the first 10 weeks on just test, then the last 6 weeks test and... Let's say... 40mg of var... That should be fine.
By 10 weeks you will have a great idea on how test is treating you.

Another big question, have you had blood work done?
I know it sucks... But you just have to.
If you have a cancer you don't know about or some weird blood disorder... Being on gear can make shit go from bad to worse sooooo fucking fast!

Now let's say you are good to go.
For 16 weeks of test at 300mg a week you need 2 vials of test. And you'll pin 150mg on Monday and 150mg on Thursday.
This keeps your blood levels stable.
You will always need arimidex for any high est sides that might occur.
Trust me.. you need it!
This helps fight all the nasty sides high est causes. Like limp dick, growing tits... Overly emotional. But it's also something you don't just start taking. You only take as problems arise. Something to ask us about as they occur. We will help you with that in real time.

Now for a pct... I say Nova. This starts 3 weeks after your very last pin.
Then you take 40mg every day for the first 2 weeks, then 20mg per day for the last 2 weeks. Sometimes you'll see it as 40/40/20/20
So your pct is 4 weeks long. Then you can wait another 8 weeks and start again if you want.

Now if you want to add anavar... Don't go over 40mg per day. And you will need milk thistle. A "liver support" oral steroids are very liver toxic. Hence why we all drink so much water... Or at least you fucking should..😐 😂🤣
200mg of milk thistle per day while on var is a solid dose.

I think that's everything...
If I missed something one of my brothers will happily correct me... I mean fill you in 😆.

But again... Most importantly... Don't start without blood work... I can't stress enough how important that is!


Well-known member
if you want to look anything similar to @Gainz. (check his avatar) better listen to him.

I needed that...🥹...
Today I'm feeling super small... Fucking body dismorphia...

And also, yeah roid test isn't exactly accurate.
The only 2 ways to know for sure is to run it for a few weeks and get bloods checked, or send out for real testing.
Or... Buy from a legit source here

Well-known member
on a serious note, i'm pretty sure someone already did it. i mean, running tren without stopping. never had the opportunity to talk with such people though. what would be the cause? 🤨


Well-known member
on a serious note, i'm pretty sure someone already did it. i mean, running tren without stopping. never had the opportunity to talk with such people though. what would be the cause? 🤨

I honestly don't think I could deal with it mentally... How high my sex drive is.. it's exhausting. I just ran it for 15 weeks and it never even dipped. It just stayed at 100% from week 3 to week 17.