New to Steroids but for Distance Running


New member

Hi everyone.  

I am a distance runner who would like to cut a little weight but also take advantage of the performance benefits of steroids.  While I research this stuff (and love it!!) it's easy for a novice to get caught up in the details.  

Can anyone give me advice on where to start GIVEN that I would be using them for running?  I thought I would do a short cycle and then a longer build up in the fall.  

Thanks in advance.  This site is invaluable for people like me :)



Well-known member

Thanks for your question.

There are several that can be recommended and some great experience here that can help you.

If you could share a bit more about your history and your goals there are several members with the experience that you need to answer your questions.

Please take the time to introduce yourself in the "new members" area so everyone can welcome you properly.





I have a little bit of experience with AAS and endurance training.  Might have run a marathon or two while on cycle.  It would be most helpful, however, if you can put up some stats in your profile. Maybe an avatar.  A little introduction about who you are so I can best help you.

You will find that your first cycle should be the same regardless of why you are using it. Test and test only.  500mg a week in two pins is the norm.  If you want to succeed you will need to have your diet planned out. If you are training endurance then you'll be hitting the carbs more than normal.  You will need to balance this, as well as increase calories.  Yes, even if you are planning on trying to lose fat, you need the calories while running + building muscle.  It isn't an easy chore.  Think of eating as another workout. that is how i do it.  force that extra cup of cottage cheese down like that last set.

After we get to know a little more about you we can offer more advice.




Do you have many years of dieting ? Don't jump into things. For running if everything checks out as getting a physical and if it works out then test prop would prob be your best bet. Less water retention for sure.



New member

Sorry. I should have suspected that people want more about me.  I am already thin and with bf of 8-10%, depending on the period. (More stats, I'm 5'3" and roughly 110, and ideal elite runners at my size should be 100-103.)  I have been running for about 5 years with 10 marathons under my belt and with a PR of 2:52.  What I find are two things: 1) even with the best of recovery, sometimes it takes a little longer for my body to repair; 2) I cannot keep on muscle mass with a high running volume (80 miles per week).  In addition I would like to lean out a little bit or I should probably say I would like to keep or increase muscle mass while keeping a fairly low bf (ideally a little less than 8% where more competitive runners are).; and 3) I would like increased stamina and/or the ability to break through with plateaus in my training.

Within the running community, EPO is certainly popular but I have read about using peptides and even T3 to cut weight.  Again, I'm unfamiliar and it is easy to get caught up in the internet research.

Thanks!!! Any help is so happily welcomed.




If you decide to go with an AAS Testosterone C or E. Most would say retention won't differ on either ester, but water retention is great for training. Keeps the joints moist and the body hydrated.



New member

Yes, I run.  I strength train 2-3x a week but my strength is  mainly to improve running economy -- namely to strength the glute meds, quads, and core, as well as to teach my body to absorb the impact of running.  I also do plylometrics as well.  One aspect I find with my running volume is that I lose muscle mass, therefore was hoping that some regimen will help me retain muscle and make me leaner. 



New member

Ok that's what I assumed from your stats but just had to be certain. With that being said please disregard any advice given on this thread up til now. You do not want to use Testosterone for a first cycle under any circumstances. You'll also want to throw away the idea of T3.

fist thing I would like to know is your exact diet layout for you on-season as well as your off-season. When building a house you first must lay a foundation. Your food/diet is your foundation in this case. 



New member

My diet takes a cue from Bob Seebohar's "metabolic efficency" diet.  The diet is primarily lean proteins (no red meat), fats, and fiber.  The carbohydrate amounts will vary based on training cycle.  It gets up to 10-20% carbs for high volume and reduces to below 5% for off season and or low volume, "baseline" running.  The key for me is to rely upon my fat stores during competition rather than carbs and bonking when they are depleted and to avoid the glycemic spikes.  




New member

majority of the calories in runners diets come from carbohydrates. 76.5 percent of daily calories are carbohydrates From some of the best runners in the world given how they spread out their eating times and training sessions, each athlete consuming about 600 grams of carbohydrate per day, with almost 120 grams of carbohydrate at every meal. 




I can't help too much for a woman.  I would not be able to recommend any cycle for you.  we do have a couple other women around here and a female section.




Even though I'm female, my goals, diet and training  are very different from yours. If you are going to delve into AAS, then your starting point is going to Var. IMO, based on desired results, not the cliché that Var is for chicks. It has the ability to increase strength-- which means speed and power-- recovery and muscular endurance by increasing RBC. When Var is present, fat is burned at a greater degree because it inhibits those darn glucocorticoid hormones like cortisol that brings fat and muscle wasting! The mass you put on will be lean and It will definitely preserve your lean mass you already have, you may notice a harder more defined look which in itself can transform your look. I think you would be pleased with the results you will obtain from its use. This is just a short and sweet run down of it, research it, and tell me what you think about it before moving forward. 



New member

This is incredibly useful.  A gentle introduction and direction really helps because it's easy to list off things simply because people have read about it in popular accounts.  My goals are different from most on these boards, but there are some common goals that would be useful for my specific needs.  Thank you again, and everyone for asking me the right questions so I approach things carefully.



New member

I'm leaning exactly where you are leaning.i d also like to know what supplements she is taking. In particular Glutamine and/or BCAAs
