New to Steroids but for Distance Running




Eq raises Red blood count also but someone please correct me if I'm wrong but eq isn't a good female drug if my memory serves me right.




You're right. Eq is not a good female compound which is why I suggested npp. It'll raise rbc which in turn aids in carrying more oxygen to the muscles and is more female friendly. Winstrol is another compound used by many endurance and weight restricted athletes. Very low doses are all that's needed since she's female and an endurance athlete.



New member

Thanks again for your help.  I added an introduction.  I may PM a few people about sources.  Thanks!  I hope everyone is recovered from St. Paddy's Day.



New member

Hi a bit late to this thread and being a daft bloke I'm not up to speed of female ASS cycles but I do/have ran a lot, including many marathons, 50k's and the odd 100k non-stop! I peaked at 55 miles per week training for my last Ultra and could eat anything I wanted without gaining any weight (currently at 185lbs & 13% BF), If you are looking at AAS to improve on your sub 3 hr marathon time I wouldn't bother, most steroids including Var would add very little benefit for a long distance runner, when endurance is the key rather than speed/strength.

Looking at your stats and with your low BF I'm not sure you need Var anyway, when I started my first cycle which included Anavar the back pumps were that bad I had to cut down my running to just a few 10k's a week and they were slow and painful!

Please research the pro's and con's of AAS and make sure they are what you are looking at to reach your goals....
