New to steroids


New member
Hi I'm 41 and looking to start my first ever cycle been reading a ton but seems like every direction I look sends me down a different road of what to take I was thinking about a test cyp cycle and maybe anavar I'm currently 205 and looking to bulk up but get cut any help or advice is welcomed...also just lost 25 pounds to get off blood pressure meds please and a whole cycle or any advice would be greatly appreciated


Well-known member
If you have zero 0experience ith steroids i would start out with Test cyp only... See what that does first... 500mgs a week to start and split that into two doses... 250mgs on Monday and 250 Mgs on Thursdays this way your bloods are stable nd you will get less sides! Hit me up if you have questions! im an ifbb pro and a source!


New member
Man i appreciate the response ill do that now hotta find what site i can get it from seems a couple i was looking at are no where to be found what do i beed to take after or during the cycle to not grow man boobs or any effects from coming off the cycle and do you see any gains much from a 10 or 12 week cycle on the test cyp....thanks again


Well-known member
hello there comerj. i agree with body in the fact that you need to start off with solo 500 mg of test per week at maximum to get introduced into roids world and not getting side effects. If you're afraid of growing man boobs during cycle, add aromatase inhibitors (like anastrozole) and to stay away from effects coming off from cycle - add PCT. after your first cycle (with test only) you can add other compounds such as Anavar.
keep us updated


New member
Thinks Biggybill so are u saying 1st cycle test cyp only 500mg a week then a 2nd cycle of test cyp and anavar ? And do you prefer or recommend any type of PCT in particular...thanks


Well-known member
yes, first cycle for a beginner is always safer because if you never used roids, you just don't know how your body reacts to them. test is a good starting point. second cycle depending on what you aim for. adding only a few lean muscles and getting cut anavar would be a good choice. serious bulking (and not cutting) would require other products.
I personally found that what works for most works for me too (but that's not always the case for everyone) in terms of PCT. PCT starts 1-2 weeks after the last dosage of Test (depending on Test form and how you feel).
Clomid / Nolvadex PCT. I personally also add other compounds like SARMs (from time to time), supplements, and other different things.
Start with Clomid 50 mg / Nolvadex 40 mg a day for first week or 2. Usually at the second week Nolva dosage drops to 20 mg. Starting to third week you drop Clomid dosage to 25 mg a day. could drop Nolva to 10 mg depending on how you feel. Fourth week is maintained the same and then either stop or continue with lowered doses depending on how you feel for 1-2 weeks more.

hope this helps you in anyway.


New member
I feel like a idiot for having to ask but I wanna get this right so ill take 500 MG of test cyp a week for the entire cycle of 12 WEEKS? or longer ...then 2 weeks after last stick of test start with the clomid / Nolvadex in the amounts you said and the SARMS ? Thanks for your time you happen to recommend a site to buy from ? Just leary I guess since first time using and buying offline ...thanks again


Well-known member
yes, 500 mg per week of test (enanthate or cyp, usually split up the dosage, for example 250 mg Mon and 250 Thu) for 12 weeks MAXIMUM. you could go for 8-10 weeks as a beginner.
then after the last injection of Test (1-2 weeks) you start PCT with Clomid / Nolva in those amounts. SARMs are only an option. I used them only twice and i haven't fully figured out everything, but they seem to be helpful. Yet, you can omit them.
I am glad to help so if you have anything else - just ask.
in terms of recommending a site to buy from - is not allowed to publicly share them, but you could check through the top sources here and i'm pretty sure you would find what you need.


New member
also looking for some help/advice, I've done three cycles before. a buddy of mine recommended since I wasn't getting the results I wanted. I started off with test alone, after a bottle, he recommended deca with test. .75 test + .25 deca.
its been about two years since I last did deca and test due to a broken hand and life circumstances. should I jump back to test and deca? or any other better stacks?
what do y'all think, anything helps
thanks in advance


Well-known member
if you previously had a good experience with test + deca then you might go for it now. don't forget about pct and ai.
there are no better stacks than others. there are milder and there are more powerful stacks. milder ones are offering less benefits than powerful stacks, but powerful ones are offering more and harsher side effects. that's why ppl are recommended to start with milder than then slowly reach the powerful ones.


New member
in terms of pct and ai... what do recommend?
also, I don't want those harsh side effects, I've known people with a strong and nasty odor and want to avoid that.


Well-known member
Pct - nolvadex / clomid after 2 weeks after last steroid dosage. Clomid 50 mg first 2 weeks and 25 mg last 2 weeks. Nolva 20 mg first and 10 last weeks.
ai is usually arimidex. Yet it ca be aromasin or letro. Depending on how u react to it.


New member
thanks it means a lot.
one last question, hopefully I don't disrespect anyone, that's not my goal, what do you think about iron daddy reliable?


Well-known member
is not allowed to discuss stores openly here, but i doubt iron daddy is top 1 here for no reason and not being reliable.