New to the forum, not to the journey


New member

Hey y'all, I'm turtle


I started on my fitness quest about 5 and a half years ago. Started this journey at 335lb, 53% Bf and could barely bench 135... I was fed up with my life so it was make changes or it would me.

Since then I have learned a ton and made huge positive changes physically, but also mentally. First I started with the cardio and diet clean up and I dropped about 100lbs. 
Began lifting after that and learning the ins and outs of strength training. Learning how to properly fuel my body also. 
I currently am at the tail of a bulk and sit at 250lbs, at 14% bf


New member

You made a drastic change in your life, good for you. Theres nothing like the discipline and confidence that comes from doing things like you described. Welcome glad to have you bro +1




Good job brother..... Welcome.... Click the forum button up top. Read the rules and all the info... good luck..




Nice  journey my friend right there with you lost over hundred lbs  it's a great feeling of accomplishment  you should be proud my friend  you have earned it  not everybody can make that journey 



New member

Welcome fella. The first step is lose the fat, get on the cardio and then hit the gym which you have done with great results! 



New member

welcome to MG brother. Big praise for all the hard work, dedication and time you have spent to improve and learn how to use things all combined to get results that improve your physically and mentally. Improving quality of life in my opinion is what it is all about and sadly the average person does not see when they look at us meatheads.




New member

Welcome aboard and congratulations on the achievement, as noted by the MG brothers, that takes quite a bit of discipline and willpower, you're well on your way to many more milestones.  Good luck and again, welcome aboard.
