

New member

Hi guys new guy just looking for a bit of help Hi guys I'm looking to do a cycle I'm 25 percent bf at min just started training again and Ano my bf is high but am guna be doin lots of cardio clean diet circuits and weights 6 day a week I'm looking on doin a test prop masteron and anavar or winstrol cycle with letrozole for 12 weeks Clomid for pct do you think I would get good results still if I train like hell and would I be better off using test p and also why do people hgh just a quick question lol any advice would be helpfull thanks 



New member

Welcome Jim. Your best bet is to introduce yourself in the intro section. Read some threads and gain some knowledge. Plenty of people here to help you. Just gotta go about it the right way. 



New member

Welcome JimBob! First off what is your cycle history or is this the first one? I would recommend dropping all the body fat possible before you run a cycle as the higher the bf the more estrogen conversion...also the mast won't be too noticeable (if at all) until you are down around 10% bf so I would drop that out of the plans until the bf is lower. Unless you have some real reason to run letro don't brother!! Aromasin and arimidex are WAY better choices without the instant estrogen crash etc. Lastly I wouldn't recommend anavar or winstrol at this high of a bf as you just won't be noticing a lot off them and will get better results on the proper diet and training regimen. 

Not trying to tear your ideas apart or anything brother and truthfully minus the letro you have the start of a decent cycle here but truthfully you should drop that bf down to the 15% range before diving into AAS brother. There are good threads on diet (I personally HIGHLY recommend MrFixIt's 1600 calorie plan which is here somewhere...someone will link it in for you to reference) and training that will get you to a great starting point fast brother then we can lay you out a nice cycle.

**Edit - here is the diet plan:




Welcome my friend. What's your cycle history ?  For sure no masteron it would be a waste of $ with a high bf I tried it  if you are hellbent on a cycle just test only with an ai  and add nolvadex with the clomid for pct.  letro is a serious ai  maybe go with arimedex or aromasin  instead  tell us a little more about yourself  cardio and diet will do more for you than a cycle will at this point  and as far as the hgh goes it helps with fat loss and muscle build but it's not a miracle worker  lots of $$$ as well for at least six months 




X2 APL , great advice. Masteron shines when you have low bf%, and prob better saved for that time to save some $$$

To drop the bf %, your diet selection, quantity, timing need to be on point. Also, the cardio & the supplements are key to turning on the engine to burn the fat storage & use it for fuel. If you want more aggressive results, you can always add in T3/T4 but please be super careful with this , and taper up if at all. You can also check into HGH Fragment peptide, which i personally LOVE and think it works great!

just my 2 cents! feel free to ask any questions, the community here is knowledgeable and happy to help out!






Thanks for the plug on the Diet plan, I have many clients that use it religiously and have fantastic results!  As you stated so eloquently ... It ALL starts in the kitchen, Good call and some solid advice! +1




Thanks for the plug on the Diet plan, I have many clients that use it religiously and have fantastic results!  As you stated so eloquently ... It ALL starts in the kitchen, Good call and some solid advice! +1




Welcome Jimbob. Yes, introduce yourself, Click on Forum and you will see. This is a great cycle for a cut cycle. However, Its all about the diet. i see you have done some research. Lets get your cycle history.  You already got great advice from APL who knows the game better than most. You have a diet to follow written by the guy below(Mrfixit).... We are here for u brother..




Happy to have you here. there are lots of members happy to help. Stay active and you'll gain all the knowledge you need.



Mister A


I have a feeling Jimbob didnt get the answer he was looking for and he's continuing that search elsewhere. Regardless something jumped out at me that I think merits addressing: running a steroid cycle will not give you the self-discipline necessary to eat clean, train hard and wake up and do fasted cardio. If part of the reason you're doing AAS is to create the conditions where you "have to do things right," then you're not using them properly. The self-discipline sought is found only from within. One must develop the character of one who is committed to the lifestyle before trying to add in any fancy exercises, cutting edge supplements or steroids. They wont be of any use to someone who cant make substantial progress without them.

