

New member

Hi, I'm new here.  This seems like a really cool community with lot's of experience.  I'm 46 and never used.  I'm super active and own a gym.  I've built up to some ok numbers on lifts (275 BP, 345 Squat, 450 deadlift) but I've kind of topped out and haven't really hit any PR's in a year.  I feel the hands of time holding me back, recovery takes so much longer now and my drive to push hard only shows up about 1-2x week.  Anyway, I've been interested in trying a cycle and see how I feel.

Thanks in advance for all the info and support. 




Welcome +1 for the intro  joe if you have not. Used aas before and want to run a cycle a simple test e 12 weeks with proper pvt  you will be amazed of what your first cycle will do  do some research here  and Then let us help you we don't bash and it don't matter how long you been here bro don't be afraid to get in here and mix it up 




welcome bro.. You'll really love it here the more you hang out & get to know everyone. If you've used your real name, I advise you to edit it sir for your protection & the protection of the family here at MG. like outlaw said, we don't bash & we love to help one another here... Stay activ & you'll learn a lot




To MG! + 1 gor your intro. Brother Outlaw handed you a solid tip for your first cycle. Your research will show you that Test is the foundation on which any cycle is built. Proper PCT layout is needed as well. So when you do plan your cycle make sure you have everything you need to PCT on hand and enough gear to run your entire cycle. Ancillaries may be needed so it is wise to have those items on hand as well. Glad to have you on board. MG is a great place to call home!




Welcome Joe! It sounds to me with your age and symptoms you described you need to get your T levels tested and see if TRT is needed. If you have low T,  cycle, and then pct you'll lose all gains and crash hard. Here's a link to first cycles that's very helpful.



New member

nice intro, like everyone has said we are like a fam here. There are no ulterior motives at play just people trying to give away what was so freely given to them! Also just like outlaw said if and when you do take that leap. Basic test only cycle to start out, you will see nice results. Like they say no cycle is like that first one!



New member

Welcome Joe, hopefully thats not your real name!?! 48 years young myself, same MO as you, just finished my first cycle, PM me if you want any newbie advice...



New member

Welcome aboard and enjoy yourself. This forum is a bit different than others in that a lot respectful commentary here and not much, if any in the way of huge egos by Mods as other forums. All in all a very good community which starts at the top by the leaders/Mods, I've been very impressed by the group here.  Lots of good information and knowledge, share what you know, take what you need. Be active.
