Nice news in the legal world for once


New member

Well this is a step in the right direction GO DOJ !!!



New member

That is fantastic, things are going in the right direction, Hardly any politician will speak out in support of mandatory minimums because the climate has changed in the last few years. Recently was the first time a u.s. president visited a federal prison, I watched it in a new vice documentary and people are just making more sense in recent years regarding drug crimes. I think in the next decade mandatory minimums will be gone for the most part.



New member


Right, I mean just look at the economics of it.  Take a guy who is a family man and the income earner for the house but selling some weed . Put him in jail, what do you do with his family now and what with him when hes out ?  You just created 4 or 5 people who will now probably be on some kind of social services program.  Putting people away makes more financial dependants IMO

I also just read that in some states it costs 50- 60k a year to incarcerate 1 person.



New member

It doesnt make sense.  Unfortunately US is failing to adapt to reality.  Drug abusers are primarily NOT criminals, so shoukd be treated accordingly.  Rehabilitation is only a catch phrase here in the US, where as other countries have embraced....and of course have ridiculously lower recidivism rates.  Bottom line, if we are not executing every criminal, we have to live with the fact that they will be living amongst us at some about we try to make them good citizens, instead of bigger monsters.

We have some good programs here, but by in large our prison system is an overcrowded pig pen.  The marijuana debate is one of the most ridiculous spectacles in the history of this country.  1970's propoganda was successful in demonizing the drug to a point it was seen as equivalent to cyanide.  People STILL think this way while they puff on their taxed cigarettes and take a shot of their taxed whiskey eating their taxed triple cheeseburger from Wendy's.



New member

There are tons of scary statistics on this we have 5% of the world population but 25% of the worlds prisoners more than Russia, china and north korea combined. We have more prison guards in the country than u.s. marines, reducing the prison industrial complex would not be an easy political sell but I don't think a thing could go on like this forever in any country. Each generation is getting more open minded and just a little better at thinking for itself, the "merchants of doubt" who stay in power with deceit and false stats are being brought to light in a way they never were before.



New member

Y'all on it. Prisons are a major financial pillar in all of our united States. Rehabilitation is most certainly a buzz-word. I'm sure I'm not the only that's seen the inside of one of these gov't institutions (just jail, no prison) and it's full of confused, apathetic, pitiful people who just get pushed and pulled from one direction to the other. It's *lfdkjdsl* bizarre!!!

What ever happened to crimes being of the nature of causing unwanted harm to another person? I'm telling you guys, it all comes down to revenue generation. I'm guessing a bunch of cops were noticeably posted up at the beginning of this month around everyone? These next few months are going to be crazy for the States Revenue Sweeps (in time for Christmas Bonuses). Tons of warrants will be acted upon and people will most certainly be in jail in record numbers concerning child support and traffic tickets.

Everyone be safe out there!



New member

It's pretty sick and we all heard the child support stories before, a guy gets behind by a few thousand dollars while he is laid off or out of work, then the first thing they do is suspend their license so now the guy can't find a job at all anymore, if he did he can't get to work, since he can't get to work he can't pay, Now he has to go to jail for 3 months while the debt grows every week, gets out after 3 months and the cycle starts all over again. Bizarre is right
