Nolvadex during a cycle.


New member

If I'm taking Sustanon 250mg three times a week (M-W-F) for 12 weeks. Would it be a good idea to incorporate Nolvadex 10mg ed during my AAS cycle to prevent any sort of water retention and/or gyno symptoms.  Some good sources say it’s a good idea. What do you all think?  Again, sorry for all the questions.




Good question. An ai like adex or aro is what you want. Nolva is the oldschool method before ai's were around. Look it up to double check, or maybe someone else will confirm this but I've read long term use of nolva will mess up your IGF1 levels. Also the nolva doesn't bind or kill the estro. It only blocks your receptors from accepting it. If you're running dbol and sust without an ai you're playing with fire.



New member

Im right in agreement with Dolph there, its not going to be the most effective estro control and will not do what you are looking to get rid of water. In a pinch I suppose it would be better than nothing, but far far from ideal. Best to stick with aromasin or armidex.

  Best thing if you are looking for water control is proviron, a good high dose of vitamin B complex and vitamin C to keep the cells flushed. Also if its possible split your d-bol up in to twice or even three times daily dose instead of all at once.




Very true stand. I like the dbol all at once before I train, but it does seem to make the bloat worse.



New member

I've used it in a pinch when I've been between orders of aromasin.  It works if I'm just over cruise levels of aromatizing compounds, but it's not a good idea.  At best you're asking for bloat, at worst--gyno.
