Nutrional facts


New member

MG, when counting carbs as part of your daily caloric needs, do you factor in the fiber and sugar to use net carbs or total? I'm putting a few tweaks to my diet and want you guys/gals on how you count your carb intake? Much appreciated!




I count total carbs, both fiber and sugars. The reason for this is I know I'm going to fuck up here there eating a piece of chocolate, or waking up to pee and raiding the fridge for peanut butter and a scoop or so of jam. A built in safety net of sorts when I count fiber. Might just be bullshit, but its at least somewhat of an attempt to account for those fuck ups along the way.



New member

Sounds good to me pretty disciplined with sweets being that I don't care for them. I usually screw up with being super hungry after my evening work out and overdo the whole foods




When you read a nutrition label you'll notice Carbohydrates are in bold letters and below that in a sub category is dietary fiber and sugars. The total carbs number accounts for fiber and sugars. For instance if something is 30g total carbs, 3g fiber, and 1g of sugers the fiber and sugars are actually calculated into the total carbs. So 30g of carbs of those 30g; 3g are fiber, and 1g is sugar. Does that make sense? If you really want to get technical you'd actually subtract the fiber from the total carbs because your body will not digest nor process fiber.



New member

Right I knew all that. That’s why I was asking when you all are considering hitting you individu macro goals do you count total or cancel out the carbs with the fiber etc. thanks for the response you guys. Dialing in this diet and want to get the best results.



Well-known member

Fiber still contains 4 calories per gram so it should be counted if your on a diet that is based on calories. I have always counted total carbs as part of my macro breakdown. 





And, I don't count protein, say, in oats or peanut butter. Oats are carb dominant and peanut butter is fat dominant in my book so that's how I treat them respectively



New member

Thanks guys and yeah I don’t count protein in non-rich protein foods but I will make sure I count total carbs for my new daily food intake.
