On a 500mg test c cycle


Hi all, I'm 4 weeks into my first test c cycle, thinking ending at 10 weeks. feeling great so far. Injecting twice a week around 250mg. tried different areas to inject. Thigh seems the best so far. Injecting with a 26 gauge needle takes awhile, next time will go with 24 gauge. I noticed holding needle steady is important and causes less soreness the next day.

31 years old, 6', 177 lbs, naturally lean/muscular

Someone mentioned HGH and HCG, wondering if this could be a great addition to my cycle? Recovering from a quad/knee injury, seems to be helping a bit with that and some additional muscle gain of course.

Noticing I sleep a less, more energy, higher sex drive, not quite as hungry not sure if that has anything to do with cycle. haven't seen any acne yet. Oh occasional minor shortness of breath, like during speaking. might be lack of sleep though heh.
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Well-known member
You should be fine man, you are on a beginner dose and you will probably gain 20 to 30 lbs just on test if you are eating a lot (which you need to do to gain Lean mass) but just make sure you eat clean and eat like 5 meals spread out through the day, also make sure you get some good sleep and rest... This is when your body grows!
If you add HGH about 3i/u's a day should help you heal much faster and as far as hcg goes you can do 300 i/us of that twice a week and that will help your balls to not shrink. But you are on a short cycle so you wont have to really worry about that. Let me know if you need any help with anything man! Good Luck!


You should be fine man, you are on a beginner dose and you will probably gain 20 to 30 lbs just on test if you are eating a lot (which you need to do to gain Lean mass) but just make sure you eat clean and eat like 5 meals spread out through the day, also make sure you get some good sleep and rest... This is when your body grows!
If you add HGH about 3i/u's a day should help you heal much faster and as far as hcg goes you can do 300 i/us of that twice a week and that will help your balls to not shrink. But you are on a short cycle so you wont have to really worry about that. Let me know if you need any help with anything man! Good Luck!

ok thank you, so 3iu's a day 7x a week? and how are iu's compared to cc's assuming this is injectable?
going to research this first. checking out some popular hgh's seem a bit expensive. I might try some of the "natural" ways to increase my hgh, like intermittent fasting


Well-known member
Is it pharma grade or UDG lab source? Most of the UDG lab stuff is under strength or way less than 99% purity of raw material before making.