One Arm bigger than Other fix?


New member

Hey guys was wondering if any of you suffered from one arm being noticably bigger than the other and if you know of any ways to fix this issue? I was thinking just work on that side extra on top of normal workout, but have heard it could cause that arm to grow bigger than the other just leaving me at square one again. It wouldn't normally bother me but it is a noticeable difference I can see it in my double bicep flex picture and it's quite annoying. Do you think working just that arm for awhile might help and then go back to working Both at once or, would you suggest working both and working the weak arm extra, or something totally different? Totally open for  suggestions you Guys might have. thanks again for being an open community even for these stupid questions I ask. 






You know we see our own flaws much more than others do. Has anyone made a comment to you about this? 

If you want post a pic and lets see what you got brother. I bet it's way more noticeable to you than anyone else.

My suggestion would be some extra work with that arm, and when doing curle that involve both arms completely concentrate on pulling with that arm and squeezing the bicep throuout the movement and at the top. Your dominant arm is probably doing most the work causing the imbalance, so getting the mind muscle connection with the other arm will force it to do its fair share of work.



New member

Yeah at the gym they and made comments so as weird as it sounds I asked my mom for an honest opinion and she told me same thing so it really made me self conscious about it. I will do what you said and just focus on pulling with my weak arm and focus on the contraction And mind muscle connection. 




I'd also put some extra work in on that bicep too. Also focusing on flexing it really hard throughout the movement, and at the peak with a 2 second pause using cables so there's constant tension on the muscle.



New member

I too suffer from this. I've noticed that since I started using my left arm more than my right, it's began to somewhat balance out. Ick what you do for a living but I swing hammers all day. So I begane driving nails with my left or pulling duct with my left instead of using my right. seems to be helping. I also started doing curls and whatnot starting with my left to failure and then do 2 less reps with my right so I put a little more strain on my left then my right. Btw you pic isn't as noticeable as you think. 



Well-known member

All good advice.

Incorporate additional dumbbell work. Cable curls like Dolf said are a great way to keep time under tension.

Keep putting in the work Malt and the results will follow...... I guarantee it.





I've been giving this a little today. I, too, had uneven biceps, mostly due to being right hand dominant. What i did was effectively dumb down. In other words, I ascertained the rep range and the concomitant weight that my left arm could achieve with good form for 10-12 reps. Of course, this is done with dumbs. Then using that weight for both arms (too light for my right arm, but just right for my left arm), I'd work that weight, increasing the volume as the left got stronger. Also, i would train biceps 3 days per week. That being said about dumbs, i would still use bars as well. However, greater attention  was given to the dumb bells exercises. It took awhile to even out, but with some patience, focus, and effort, the biceps are even. The key for me was dumbing down. Maybe this will help.



New member

I have the same issue .... except its my tricep.  I am right hand dominant and my left tricep is noticeably smaller.  The lateral head to be specific.  For the past 3 months I have been doing additional work for this arm in an attempt to balance things out.  It is slowly growing ... very slowly.  But I tend to agree with others here ... we notice our imbalances way way more than anyone else does.  All part of the game I suppose.  With consistent hard work we both should be able to balance things out.  Keep at it .... I know I will  




I thought I was the only one that was bothered by this method for evening out other areas (like calves) would work too?




Theoretically, yes. I've always had decent calves due to many factors, but i hear they are for many, a more difficult muscle to build. However, given the body's natural inclination towards homeostasis, I'm willing to hypothesize that working towards evening the calves out isn't as impossible (as one may intuit based on the difficulty of building the gastrocnemius muscle). So, I'd say isolate the calves when working them to even them out.




Good Lordy, Blast!  I thought for aminute I was talking with one of my docs at work! :)

I have HUGE calves and even talked to my plastic surgeon about stripping them down (aka removing some muscle)....I might sell it on ebay. (kidding)  He looked at me like I was a nut job.




Keep that muscle and build your quads to match your calves and you are good to go! I replied to a pic from your surgery if you could check it out and message me back ? :)   Very impressed with you!!! Your determination is 2nd to none!
