paleo/ crossfit style diet


New member

Guys did any of you tried paleo? I been trying to stick to bananas and sweet potatoes only as source of carbs. Its not easy sometimes and does require to be organized...  Cannot give any feedback on it yet. Do you think ditching rice, grains and white potatoes is a way to go?



New member

i tried for a while and found it hard for me personally to get the caloric intake I was shooting for. While they do include all the complex carbs like  broccolli, cauliflower, squash, fruits etc, I gotta have rice my rice and I like dairy too, they also dont like beans i believe in traditional paleo, and beans are a great source of carbs, fiber, protein




On goals what are you dong building muscle or cutting weight?



New member

I agree with not eating beans and legumes in general. They were always making me bloated and sleepy... 

Tried paelo but it just require planning and preparing...



New member

Building some clean muscle would be my goal. I'm not after being lean. I like keep as feminine as I can with as much muscle as I can. I'm  above24% bf therefore wouldn't like to gain  more fat. Think 24% is my max. I m after healthy and clean diet. Paelo was my idea as I'm not good with dairy products. Also gluten is not something I can tolerate in big quantities. 
