


I always have a difficult time waiting between cycles.  Was going to wait until April to start a cycle, but everything is going well. E2 is back in check and I'm feeling fine.  

I read all over that there is a set time, or bloods tell you when you're ready or even time on time off bro-science.  I've been cruising now for 10 weeks so I've never gone this route.  Is there any benefit to waiting another week? How long do you wait?




General rule of thumb for me is time off equals time on. Have I ever cheated by a week or two? Hell yea I have. 




I am the same way. I get antsy between cycles even though,  like Dolf said, the general consensus is time on equals time off. My other half asked me yesterday when I was coming off and for how long. I was like, are you seriously suggesting I come off cycle??? Rotflmao I said I'm never coming off! Just kidding I told him. But the look on his face was of astonishment. I'm already planning my next cycle, and do need to come off for a while...but I hate to tbh




my better half only like when I'm on cycle because she knows i have to behave if I want to be able to do it again. It's a good trade off I guess. On a full PCT i do time off time on and rely on bloods, but with this cruise in between it seems to make it worse. I'm going to come off fully for a good 3 months after this cycle. 




Months? Good deal. Wish i could say the same. I will tell him I'm still off, but will secretly pin myself...smh..have to keep air freshener in bathroom because the aroma of that base permeates the air when I open my stash up. Lmbo




I am going to try anyway.  I should be able to even though i have a safe full of EQ and Test E, and dbol and prop, and....

oh shit did I really say 3 months?





If you can pct and take 3 months off that'll actually benefit you bigtime by clearing out your receptors. Once you clear your receptors you'll get more bang for your buck when you cycle again. I need to do it myself.




I would wait longer. The longer your off the better your receptors will be fresh. Don't cut yourself short. Take like a year off and then get back on. Your body will be at it's prime by then.




The claim is that raising your metabolic rate speeds up the receptor clearing process. Eating fewer calories spread out into more meals per day (6 to 8), doing cardio, and t3 cytomel will speed up the process. The longer you've been on aas the longer it takes to clear out the receptors. I have a cousin who's in med school. I asked her about this and she confirmed that raising metabolic rate should speed up the process. 



New member

lmao, that all to familiar scent of test base. Its like a smokey campfirey smell lol at least i think so. Everything in my gymbag, bag included is permanently scented like it. Even at the gym its all i smell just from that little bit that secrets post injection. ITs addictive like a camel headed for water. I want it now! lol



New member

Very similar to someone who "tokes up" not me anymore, but same idea with almost anything. The faster the metabolism the faster things clear. I also heard the leaner you are as well helps. Your forcing your body through that natural process quicker by making it burn fuel for energy etc...smoke weed and sit on your ass and good luck passing a urine screen in 4 weeks, but drink water and exercise and its gone in 2 weeks. Same kind of mentality. I have one shot of prop left, been running hcg at 500 ui EOD for last 2 weeks. last hcg and prop tmrw and 3 days later chlomid and nolva, its depressing but has to happen!




It's Ok Gas, I'm on Pct. Almost jumped the gun last night but will wait it out. If you PCT correctly, you wont lose that much. I didn't lose much on this PCT.... Good luck brother.. Power through..




I started my cycle yesterday and already  dreading that last pin of prop. Best way to make it worth it is to make the absolute best out of this cycle. Eat until i hate food and excersize until i want a break. 2500 calories and an hour of chest so far today and still an hour before noon.




I like your thinking, Dolf, getting the bang for your hard earned buck, and with the risks taken into account, slow and steady wins the race!




Man, I'm already planning the next cycle and haven't finished this one yet!  I love being on, my gf likes me on, tho some friends think I'm a bit punchy, all too ready to scrap on the turn of a dime. Good thing i have a host of expenses coming up, which will curb my enthusiasm for making my next gear purchase,i guess ;-P
