PCT for this long 19-nor cycle


New member

I know there is a plethora of info on here and on the web about standard pct, but I value everyone’s opinion here and thought I’m just as capable of asking a question I don’t understand fully just as I am to answer questions I’m knowledgeable on.­­ I’ve obviously run pct before, but now reading new info combined with how heavy my cycle has been with 19-nors etc, I would like to get some of the vets insight or even the newbie to MG that has been in a particular situation. So what I’m going to do is list what I ran and what I have for pct meds.

weeks 1-16 - Test deconate 600mg / Deca 400mg

weeks 17-22 Test ethanate 200mg (cruise trt dose) I ran 250ui HCG E3D during this time

Weeks 22-24 nothing, I let ethanate clear 75%

weeks 24-29 Tren Ace 75mg ED

weeks 24-29 Test Prop 50mg ED


When Ace is done on week 29, running prop at 100mg EOD for week 30 and 50mg EOD for week 31 then PCT.

I have Clomid by the bushel and same as Nolva

I also have 4000 UI of HCG (2-2000ui amps) Curious how to best utilize this in such a short time frame?


NOTE: If your new and reading this, I do not condone doing what I did, this is for an experienced user and I had never tried the cruise dose between a bulk and cut and wanted to see what all the hype was about…..in my opinionit prob does more harm then good, others may debate this, but I just feel that its to much for to long and the body adjusts or recpetors aren’t what they once were? Not sure, but moving forward its back to cycle pct cycle pct 2 times per year. Being on synthetic test for more then half a year is just to much for me unless you’re on legit TRT. THOUGHTS????



New member

Hope you got some pre cycle bloods. Holy shit thats a long cycle lol.

If it were me, I would employ a very aggressive 6 week PCT, wait 6 weeks, get bloods and see if I need to run it again. 

I prefer toremifine but since you already have nolva that will be fine if it works for you.

So, the last 2 weeks of your cycle when you are utilizing the Test prop taper I would run:

HCG: 1000iu EOD

HMG: 75iu ED

So, your cycle test prop, HCG and HMG all end at the same time, then you will soon be ready to start the rest of your PCT. Don't use anything for 4 days to make sure the Test p, HCG and HMG have cleared, and on the 5th day do ONE 100mcg shot of triptorelin ( you can get it from any reputable peptide source). 2 days after that, start your serms:

Week 1-2: Clomid 100mg/Nolva 40mg

Week 3-4 Clomid 50mg/Nolva 20mg

Week 5-6: Clomid 25mg/Nolva 10mg

I've seen guys recover from longer cycles, so it can be done. Get bloodwork as frequently as possible :)





Longest cycle i did personally is 20 weeks, and i've done plenty of cycles (12+).  I am interested in this setup above since i havent seen it before but yes heard about it in passing. You think for that extended of a cycle, you'd need to donate blood at week 12 then week 24 (once or twice blood donation in the run of the 30 weeks) ? Or would that only be a concern when running EQ since its notorious for elevating hematocrit significantly?



New member

I donate blood on all my cycles. And like you, my longest was 20 weeks. But even on 800mg of EQ my RBC was only slightly above normal. Other than that I've never had an issue

I donate blood as often as they let me lol, I think it's good for the body. And you might help save a life ;-P



New member

I have to donate blood as often as possible even when just on HRT doses now. When I used to PCT and come completely off between cycles it was never an issue. 




Same here...I do a double rbc donation every 4 months. 42 to 48 in normal range for a male. While on eq I was at 52 and having bp issues. Donating definitely helps. Off cycle and cruising it was at 49. A double rbc donation lowers my rbc % by about 5 to 6 points. 
