PCT for Women


New member

While I run my cycles pretty moderate as a personal preference, those women who are looking to test the limits should definitely consider PCT in advance. 

Women don't require a test stimulant but there are definitely some things to be prepared for:


I've seen depression discussed in many forums as something women can expect when coming off cycle - some natural remedies include St. Johns Wort or Valarian Root. I don't have experience with this myself but from what I've read women can also use 5HTP, which is used for depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and migraines. 

Estrogen Reboud

Essentially your estrogen levels go through the roof, pms symptoms on steroids! This can be prevented by taken an estrogen suppressor which will allow the increased test levels to drop slowly and your estrogen levels will increase accordingly. VS test levels dropping quickly and signalling your estrogen levels to respond. 


Once you go off cycle your body is going to be used to eating like you were on cycle. To maintain your results I recommend maintaining a healthy diet and start to consume less as you won't be burning as many calories as you would have been on cycle. 

On another note tapering can help your body adjust to going off cycle naturally. While you don't have to taper with var for example, I generally do as a personal preference by cutting my dose by half in the last week and then half again the last couple days. I did the same coming off my primo cycle and things felt fairly good. A couple weeks off now and feeling like I have less energy but super motivated by my progress so keepin on keepin on! 

Again always do your research! Listen to your body, be prepared for the unexpected and be prepared to hop off cycle if things feel too off.




New member

Thanks Dolf! Like I said I generally just taper off and have been fine with that so far, I've stuck to moderate cycles for now but when I decide to go next level I think I'll have to look into something. 

If any ladies come across this, would love your input! 
