PCT med side effects




tyoe of pct are you taking and what side effects does your body normally have to deal with?  




X2... take them before bed, so you sleep through the sides. Clomid blurs my vision



New member

I get tired and lethargic when taking any kind of AI that's why the sat to take at bed. Hcg too makes me a bit drowsy a few hours after taking. Can't speak for Nov or cookie since I don't do pct just si and hcg. Estrogen is a mother f'er if it get too high or low it effects you. Staging your dose and slowly increasing-decreasing is the key so you don't over shoot. I read where many have hurried their estrogen with aero because they take 12.5 Ed for a few days. Aero is a scavenger for estrogen and demolishes it. Pull it down slowly if you are new it AI sides.
