

New member

been cycling aas for 2 years and have never had this problem ... I only use glutes to pin but now on my left side every time I pin it get sore as hell for like a week and couple days before it goes away and I rotate and then the next time I hit that side it get back sore as hell for the same amount of time !!! Wth is going on here .... Right side has no problem at all 




I cant say it happens to me often, but yes it has happened in the past. I cant pinpoint the exact science of it, but i call it the "Golf Ball", where the injection site stays swolen, and you get slight pain when you walk or move. Granted, there is NO discoloration or pussing - signs of infection!

My solution is Aleve. Buy the liquid cap aleve and pop 1 or 2 before bed. I usually see a significant reduction in the gold ball by the time morning comes. Obviously YMMV, but you might want to give it a try & see if it does the trick for you.



New member

Are you saying you only pin glutes? Need to work in some better site rotation if that's the case. Quads, ventro glutes, delts etc. Could be a lot of scar tissue built up. What size needles are you using?

Are you using a different brand? Some people have reactions to certain carrier oils. I can't tolerate anything with EO, some people can't use anything with guaiacol. 

Or the BA or BB ratio might be off in the gear, that can cause issues too.

Or its just one of those things that can't be explained lol. I will do the same shot of the same amount of gear on my left side and I'm good, when I hit the right side I get pip, so who fuckin knows :p



New member

true dat ! But I been running sus 500 TnE/dbol50 and haven't had a problem and the right side has no problem at all and the gear I use is from the TOP notch guy !! Was #1 on the boards ! 

But it is weird ! a bit  of sweling but not much but the pain is deff there to the touch !! But no pip from the right side and it does have a small scar tissue ..

And PIN size is normally 25g 3ml just changed lastonight to 23g3ml  



New member

i am now running test e 800mg week 600 mg Eq was from a past source that I Tryed the oil is a bit thicker but I started the left side PiP before the EQ came into the pic 



New member

Lol could just be holding the needle at a different angle on one side, or not being as steady with your hand. If it's not happening all the time then I don't think it's the gear.

I've run cycles where I thought the gear was smooth as can be, no pip for like 5 weeks. I mean literally none. Then one time I guess is moved too much or got the angle off or hit something I shouldn't have and the pip was awful lol




I can get pip bad too.  two days ago i dropped 2cc prop and 1cc npp into my left quad.  I knew within an hour it wasn't sitting right.  next day i couldn't walk. My knee swoll up and hurt like a bitch.  Today I can walk fine, still swollen as hell.  Hoping it goes away.  




Glad to hear you are walking better, bro! Keep us posted on that edematous knee!!! Ibuprofen and naproxen help reduce inflammation. If you aren't allergic, try it. Elevate it at night and alternate hot and cold compresses. 30 minutes each.



New member

For me anything more than 2ccs and I get pip i wont ever put more than 2ccs in my delts or quads they cant take it when i was i was literally broken lol idk why and it's always the worse first thing the morning if to bad I'll take a muscle relaxer those always help but I don't wanna get use to them. 



New member

Yea I'm also running 2 and a half cc  2wice a week so could be the Reason for the pip too much oil lol .... were does all this oil go ! Lol back bone !lol 




Very true. I'm right handed so sometimes when I pin in an awkward position like glutes with my left hand the technique gets shitty sometimes. Practice makes perfect though.




if your having issues with one side give it a rest for a week or so .  Try exploring and pinning a new spot to give it a rest bro.  Sounds like that muscle may just need a little time off.



New member

True bro !  I believe ima try that cause I'm a welder and I work at the largest hog  processing plant in the world and the tight spots o get put in to make certain welds doesn't feel to good with a sore Ass from pinning !! Lol 
