possible cycle input....


New member

ok gentlemen and ladies i have a question to ask and some may think its dumb but to me its about being safe and smart......now at this point ive been on test e @ 500mg weekly 7 weeks ,,, everything is swell no health probs at all however im very curious to see if i added the sus250/tren e100 might be beneficial or not?????

now i just recently did labs and am waiting for my copy in the mail.....if my e2 is good and all is well with my liver enzymes could this be a good compound to add,,,thx always and have a great day.




your 7 weeks in on a cycle. all is well. , there is noway i would change it up.  ,, espicially. with tren e. .   have you ever run treen a ?   even if you have , i still wouldnt run... just myopion. 




No questions are stupid.

If it is going well why add something else? Especially another long esters compound that'll take 7 more weeks to reach near peak blood levels. Mid cycle additions and end of cycle tapers are generally an oral or a short ester compound.



Well-known member

What was your original cycle plan and length? What were your goals before beginning this cycle? Are you progressing to achieve those goals? What is your reasoning behind considering the addition? Have you been dedicated and disciplined to the original purpose of the current cycle? How long would you run the additional compounds? What would be the dosage and timing? What would be the advantage of adding another long ester this late in the game?





Well-known member

We live in a new world brother. Society is becoming a tear jerking, feelings driven, over sensitive basket of mush. Being controlled by our feelings versus our actions makes for guaranteed disaster.

"Fools multiply when the wise remain silent." - Nelson Mandela





New member

well that takes care of that .... ill continue the current cycle for the duration of 12 weeks,,, as far as progress ive packed on a nice 16 pounds of what i consider quality muscle,,,i did get a all around pct pack that comes with all i need clomid 50mg and nolvadex....to start when finished with the cycle.... once again thx for all the comments and you guys have always given me the best info , blue




Sounds like this cycle has been good to you thus far. I want to say thank you for not becoming defensive when guidance was offered. 

I can't stress enough the importance of cycle planning. You won't find anyone here encouraging you to wing it or add unnecessary compounds. When planning begins, choose compounds that will help you achieve your cycle goal. You can always feel free to post proposed cycle to get feedback from others. If you have not tried the cycle log, consider it. This will allow you to document in one area how your cycle is going and receive feedback on it. 

Happy gains!!!



New member

as far as short esters go i love test prop to jumpstart a cycle,,, ive got exp with masteron prop , tren ace ,winstrol  v .........i did a cycle of omnadren 250 12 years ago but had to quit due to AWFUL PIp 



New member

My only hangup (other than being a long estered Tren) is that it’s 250/100. I think I remember you saying you only have one bottle of it. Im assuming you’re going to be shooting for 300mg/wk Tren? That’s going to put you at 750/wk sust. That’s a lot of test for some people alongside Tren. If that test can’t attach and starts aromatizing you could have major problems, and you would be up shit creek with the Tren e. All that being said, you would be rolling those dice and putting your system through that all for a 3.5 week bottle. I love Tren with a passion, you will rarely hear me say much negative about it, however I along with most will agree that the first week or so at least of a Tren ride suck ass until you normalize. I just can’t get myself to say that it’s worth the shit for what you’d get out of it, best case scenario...




Damn you have a great memory JD!

Now that you mention it I remember that too, and if it is only 1 bottle then that's a definitive no imo. I understand having a plan, and sticking to it, but I have no issue with thinking outside the box either. If you are experienced and in tune with your body, and want to experiment I'd be a hypocrite to say no. However like I said above this needs to be done with orals or short esters in case a quick bail is needed.

For example I was running a test/eq/proviron cycle a few years back at pretty high dosages of both compounds. It was a 20 week cycle and at week 14 I decided to throw in a moderate dose of tren a. The cycle was going great, but my reasons were twofold. First it was to see how the tren would enhance the current cycle, and second was to see how I responded to tren with high test. The first few weeks were great, but then I started having elevated e2 issues that no matter what I couldn't get under control. I ended up bailing on the tren which was easy because it was short estered. Had it been tren e I would've suffered for two additional weeks. The moral of the story here is that I learned me, tren, and high test don't mix and that there was no harm no foul since tren a was used.




Nothing beats personal experience. Thanks D for sharing that. What i gather is that thinking outside the box is great, but do it with care and reason, and always know where the doors are in case you need to get out quickly without doing chronic damage. 

@blue. Your openness to ask the community about your plan ended up with some healthy knowledge bringing greater understanding to the whole ShaBang. Sure, we've heard the same thing a few times, but each time we hear/read it, the picture becomes more clear.



New member

yea thats my wonderful wife ,hell i had her entire pic up in the same skimpy stuff with a top on but you could see her face ........i got like 10 hits in a hour no face pics!!!!! REMOVE ASAP so i thought hell ill just turn it around and it worked quit well , she does enjoy the attention!!!
