Post Injection Pain



So It seems like whenever someone asks a question about this we always get many conflicting answers and suggestions. And its really not hard to understand why. It seems some people are more prone to PIP than others. I happen to be PIP sensitive where my training partner can use the exact same vial and get NO PIP. Why is that? I have no idea lol.

With that said tho the main cause for PIP is your body absorbs the oil and solvents too quickly (faster than it absorbs the compound) leaving behind compound that has fallen out of solution and crystallized. That causes inflammation (PIP) which is the often crippling pain you feel. To combat this cutting 50/50 with filtered oil helps a lot. its a technique commonly used to handle high concentration gear.


Secondly it is possible to not get the oil into muscle. For example I have injected too low on side delts which caused oils too leak down under skin and caused redness and irritation. So injection technique, angle, and location can play a role but the main cause is what I listed above. Hope this helps


The reason PIP is so misunderstood is because its different for a lot people. some people hardly ever get it. some like myself can look at a vial and be in pain lol. So for those that don't get PIP they assume that the people who DO must be doing something wrong.


How to deal with PIP if you get it? Heating pads and some Ibuprofen can help. Basically heating pads and hot wanna melt down those crystals. DO NOT ice tho. That will only slow the healing process down.


One reason prop is often more painful than enanthate is prop has a much higher melting point. Its more difficult for your body to break down those crystals. Where has enanthate has a melting point around body temperature. Anyone whos brewed both of these will know.


New member
Like everything else in life its a learning curve. If a guy is relatively new to pinning I'll bring up certain factors to try and help . But normally after a guy has been pinning for a year PIP is not much of an issue any more, you don't often hear experienced guys getting as much pip trouble . I rarely get pip but used to when I started. In fact the pip was so bad I honestly didn't think I could continue. Theres a learning curve to injection technique , theres a learning curve to ingredient sensitivity, but as a whole by the time most guys have some time under their belt Id say PIP becomes less and less of an issue. And yet still to this day I can occasionally get it, but I usually know before I even do because I recognize I gave my self a poor injection.


You nailed need more injections under your belt before you can be the spokesman for pip....Injection technique is huge and to downplay that is really Bad advice


New member
I have some test e that I brewed myself awhile back at 400mg/ml, I know pretty high concentration, everything was done in a sterile environment. When I first started injecting I was only sensitive to prop that I had at the time. When I first tried my home brew I could tell within the first 5 min after pinning it was gonna hurt like a bitch, which it did. I ended up having to cut the gear with more oil. After that it wasn't as bad, so my conclusion was, it was brewed at to high of a concentration. I cut it back to 300mg/ml and then it was pretty tolerable. Since I have tried a different prop and no pip at all so for me it's quality of gear and no more than 300mg/ml of test e.