Prop/tren cycle....just placed order



Help me refine my upcoming cycle to get strong again.

Thinking 8 week cycle at most. But will depend on sides and PIP issues if any arise. I have pharmacy caber, arimedex, and proviron. also have HCG

Caber .5 e3d and arimdex .5 EOD whole time......or maybe proviron instead of arimedex???

weeks 1-3 test P 50 mg eod Tren A 75 mg eod
weeks 4-7 Test P 75 mg eod Tren A 100 mg eod
weeks 8 test p 50mg eod Tren A 50mg eod

How should I implement HCG? 500IU every 5th day? I will prolly keep running a long estered test after this keep that in mind. so no PCT really


holy shit that's a cluster fuck of a mess.......can we get paragraphs back mods?????


Im liking , I like the prov. I think id run prov ,50 ed and adex as needed , you cant go wrong with .5 caber e3d ,, looks good nov imho , im sure you will tweek as I did as you go along


No, I learned alot , last few cycles I think I was tanking my estro when I ran both together , knowing what I know now , now or should I say my npp , sust cycle I only took prov. But like e4 d I would end up taking like 12.5 aro , if I felt bloat and signs . Of estro ,, but if it were me id take only prov, andmicm needed adex . Watch your bp on prov tho it could spike it


my BP is already fucked I will die of heart attack anyday lol. with that in mind maybe I should leave the proviron alone and stick with arimdex. prolly go half tab eod and see how I feel with that. along with caber every 3rd day.


Im learning all the time nov. Thats why I get upset with bros at times im in this game over 3 years , and im always learning something new on every cycle I run kwim , but your cycle looks very good , what you got for liver protect


haven't really thought about liver since im not using any harsh orals really. I wont use dbol or any of that shit anymore. fucks up my kidneys. just not worth it. last time I was on proably remember me telling you I could barely workout cause my back was always on FIRE


Good decision I think, glad to have you back in the game :)) feels good busting it up agion I learned so much just busting it ,, when you starting your cycle


New member
Sent you FR Noveskeet . BTW cycle looks good youve got your self covered to run this in whatever way you need to. As far as the HCG goes Its good to run an occasional course of it no matter what .Also dont plan on getting any blood work while on the tren, the estro numbers will be skewed, this is why people say wait on the tren, but if you have a good handle on managing your estro you'll be fine.


I was thinking 500IU every 5 days or something like that. Fr accepted


Just sent the funds out today. He usually takes 14-20 days to get product here. I will start as soon as I get it. Which will be another 3 weeks max. Last time I got order after roughly 14 days.