Prostatis (prostate enlargement with prostate infection) and Epidydimis

Clint Gymrat

New member

I've been dealing with prostatis (prostate is infected and enlarge) for 3 1/2 months while being on Bactrim, Flomax, and Finasteride for the duration. I've seen no improvements of my symptoms. I've also ended up with Epidydimis from the prostate infection which is a bacterial infection. I've had prostatis before and it took me a year to get rid of it. It had also turned septic in my blood and nearly killed me. This time it's not as bad at that but I'm getting some different side effects than last time. Erection problems, dry orgasms (No cum when I climax), kidney constantly hurts, my balls hurt, absolutely no energy, need for frequent naps, depression, lack of sex drive, and problems pissing as in frequent urination, not emptying, hard to start flow, and weak flow. I've read where my prostate infection likely occurred because my estrogen levels got too high. I know the Finasteride is supposed to lower my DHT levels but it doesn't seem to be helping. I think it's also causing my spermless orgasms. Also my estrogen seems to be high. My doctor wouldn't check my estrogen levels for some fucked up reason but he did end up referring me to a speciallist. Has anyone had to deal with this shit before? If so what did it take to get your shit cleared up? I've been off cycle for months, losing muscle by the pound, and getting belly fat. I'm ready to get healthy again and get on the cycle that's waiting  me in my closet. Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated.  



Well-known member


Sorry to hear about all of your troubles and I sincerely hope that you get well and strong soon!

With that being said I believe you are in a situation that should be left in the hands of medical professionals and not taking advice on any forum. I say this because I am very concerned for your overall health and even more concerned that you will listen to advice based on something you want to hear vs. something you need to hear.

Elevated estrogen levels can cause prostrate issues but there is way more to it that couldn't and shouldn't be debated on a forum in your current situation. Brother you could die and I do not want to be part of making that happen so steer clear of forum discussions about advice until you get yourself in a better health situation. Fortunately having prostatitis does not increase your risk of prostate cancer but the infection is very concerning.

Get your appointment made ASAP with the specialist and take it from there. Since you have been through this before you know this is nothing to play around with and you certainly should seriously consider NOT using any AAS in the future. Is the gear in your closet worth it???

Keep us up to date on the situation and share your experience. Again get better soon Brother!





I'm with SF...go see that specialist asap! Get yourself healthy brotha! That's priority #1



Well-known member

I agree with SemperFi, its OK to read forums to learn more that would be my advice really ding into the issue research, so you are better informed when you speak with your doctor. Id be looking into Alpha blockers like Doxazosin, Prazosin and Terazosin all use for men with enlarged prostate. (they range between short and long acting)--Alph blockers relax the muscles around the prostate and bladder. 

You are already using Finasteride(wich is a 5- Alpha inhibitor there are others) which effects DHT however, it can take up to 6-12 months before you might see a change to know if it is working. One of the side affects for Finasteide is erection problems, decreased sexual desire and reduced amount of semen.  You should be talking to you Doctor about including Clomid/Nolvadex--clomid increases your Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) help increase testosterone production and sprem syntheses, Were Nolvadex also has an effect in sperm production and motility--(doctors usually superscribe this with individuals with low sperm count, and if their sperm is bad swimmers, that is what motility means), and if your estor is high both of these have an affect on that also. 

Also there are things the doctor can do besides just meds, talk to him about Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy (TUMT) and Transurethral radio frequency needle ablation (TUNA). You might even need to talk to him about a prostatic stents, and worst case Suragery which is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).

You really need to talk to you Doctor, staying on Finasteride longer with some extra help for Sprem/erections etc. might be the best thing to do now, you just need to understand Finasteride can take up to 6-12 months.---Again research learn everything you can learn, it might come down to a few compounds using both Alpha blockers, and 5- Alpha inhibitors with nolvedex, and something else.

Some things you can do at home, is sit in the hottest water you can for 15-20min this is also known as Hydrotherapy, it helps increase circulation in the prostate.  Also cranberry Juice helps dislodge bacteria from the bladder wall. Don't forget you vitamins A, C, and E, beta-cartene and selenium those are your antioxidants that will help with the infection. Drink water, keeps things flushed. You can also use anti-inflammatory herbs like echinacea, goldenseal and garlic (garlic helps with reduce of infection).  And for now i would avoid Alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods these things can make the problem worse. 

Hope this helps good luck brother.. Keep us updated. Go talk with your Doctor. 


Clint Gymrat

New member

Yeah, I believe you're right. I want a quick fix solution but that's not realistic. I've also been coming to terms with probably having to stay away from gear from here on out. I certainly don't want to continue to redevelop this issue. I go see the specialist in 11 days. Hopefully he can get me back to being healthy. I'll update the thread after I go to see him. Hopefully he can shed more light on what's causing this. I'm currently still working out but Im not supplementing with anything. Not even protein shakes. Im not ready for a shit bag or a toe tag so after I get better from this then there probably is a good chance that I'll have to go natty from here on out. Never thought I'd say that lol but the time has probably come. Thanks for your input bro. 


Clint Gymrat

New member

Thanks my friend. That definitely does help. I'll go over some of these issues with my doctor and see what he thinks. My general care doc did tell me that the Finasteride would make my sperm production lower but he failed to tell me that I'd be blowing completely dry loads. I think this speciallist that I'm about to see will have a better idea of the meds I need to be on. Thanks for your wisdom bro! 




If going natty means staying healthy then that's what has to be done. Placing great focus on diet will help keep you healthy as well. And yes brother please keep us updated on your situation. 



Well-known member

Excellent information Zewi. +2

Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge about this condition.






Well-known member


Some of the fittest and healthiest people I have ever met are and have always been natural. See it as a new evolution in your progress and enjoy the next stage of the journey. ;)

Prostatitis can be a chronic condition for a lot of men and I am sorry you have to deal with it.


