Proviron as an AI?

Turning 40

Active member
Hi Everybody,

Is Pro-viron an aromatase inhibitor?

I ask this as I have included it with my first cycle as an AI. My source has this listed as an AI but the perceived wisdom seems to be Arimidex as AI. Milken's excellent summary of compounds doesn't specifically classify it as an AI but does note it's ability to restrict testosterone to estrogen.

On a separate note. I was reading last night the discussion about Proviron on the little fella. Definitely agree, I won't be giving it up for that reason but do I need to add Arimidex also? (Only 2 weeks into first cycle and so far no indication of nipple sensitivity etc).

Cheers guys,


if you are going 2 run 500mg test your first cycle I say hell yea use it in place of an ai at 500mg you shouldn't even need an AI unless you are estro prone....Always have adex or aro on hand first run with proviron and I have been liking it....Just go pharma


Adex is awesome but from my experience only as needed. I played around with dosage and found if u overdo it. Things get shitty real fast my exp with it has led me to believe that .25 to .50 every third day will keep any sides away that being said was using 60 mg dbol per day with 800 mg of test and 900 mg of eq


Im going to keep it real here , which I always do but .. im running sust /npp right now , I been using 50 mg prov ed , and 1mg of caber
. E3d , anx very rarely do I even take my aro , is I see alot of acne comi g and really oily I pop 12.5 ,but thats like every 4 days , so from my own personal experience , id have to say yes , for certain cmpounds , and person dependa t , it works for me


Everybody is different thats for sure....Thats why science cant always be applied because science says we should all react a certain way when a compound is in us...But its never the case we all react different....I can do gram of test no gyno some guys hold a bottle of test in their hands and get gyno LOL


New member
Dont_trip said:
if you are going 2 run 500mg test your first cycle I say hell yea use it in place of an ai at 500mg you shouldn't even need an AI unless you are estro prone....Always have adex or aro on hand first run with proviron and I have been liking it....Just go pharma

true very true,, go pharma even more true,, but a lot fake,, so this site is golden if all of us are really people with no hidden agendas than we can help each other out with providing real first hand experiences.

provi good, not like an good AI,, but good for estro balance and dht,, masterone even better as kinda AI


Prov does have anti estro capabilities and is said to help decrease the amount of Testosterone to E2 conversion. Prov frees up testosterone and boosts it potency by not allowing it to bind with SHBG. So yes, some have used Prov as their AI but do take note though that it will spike your BP and there is a trade off.



Turning 40

Active member
Milkin, good article - thank you.

As a newbie it's easy to think that test is test is test, not so!

The prov should help keep down the estrogen and SHBG (if I'm understanding correctly).

I note however your parting comment about bf. I'm only my 3rd week but so far have added 5lbs, but 2% bf. (I believe the scales as it is visually evident around my waste).

This is my first cycle. 500mg TestC pw and 40mg Dbol daily. I was planning to run the DBol for the first 4-6 weeks but I'm considering aborting this -if all it's doing is adding belly fat, I really don't need that!

I see in the steroid guide then Clen is a good fat burner. Would it be an idea to add this in the final few weeks of cycle?

Cheers guys.


if you have gained 5lbs and 2% body fat you are either eating way way 2 much or your training sucks....or your estrogen is sky rocketing....clen is horrible for you I just got done trying it and stopped a week or 2 into it....because it can damage your heart for real no joke and for what a 10% increase in caloric burn foolish if you ask me and I am saddened that I chose that route....remember when first starting a cycle you are going 2 gain water weight/muscle glycogen usually 5-10 in a surplus do cardio and keep your estrgen in tact....if your not busting your ass in the gym your wasting your time my friend....this is with all due respect

Turning 40

Active member
Hi Dont_Trip,

Respect you calling it straight. Thanks for sharing your Clen experience, I've heard "shaky hands" being reported by other s as well, if nothing else I need a little more info before deciding whether or not to try it.

Training 5 times a week (4xweights, 1 Cardio) and increased calories to between 2500-3000pd. Finding it difficult to get enough protein - I've targeted 250gpd (approx 1.5g/lb) with a minimum of 1g/lb. When I'm struggling to hit this I do resort to shakes.

No sign of gyno, so don't think the estrogen is too high. If this continues might up the Proviron slightly as a precautionary measure.

Thanks for confirming this is not 'normal', think I'll cut back on the cheap calories (tasty carbs!)- even if that does mean less calories.

Thanks for the quick and concise reply, really appreciated.


But keep in mind turning 40 ,,MILKIN ! Brought up a good point , and that is prov , will spike the BP, big time I just cut my 5am prov down , ill be honest I havnt touched a aromansin in a week , NO ESTRO,, but the last few days I feel like my head is gonna . Pop like a daisy ,:(( headach 2 days stright , my BP, so tonight instead . Of prov I went 5am to aro ,, so be careful , it works great as I a ai but the sides , meaning bp , not worth it , I push a wheel barrow and feel like I could fall over


I am here to help =) Look with steroids Calories are KING and if you find you are putting on fat it just means you need to add in some cardio because anabolics need calories 2 work as well as protein...Save your simple carbs for post workout when your body will suck them right up 2 refuel your muscles...just because you have no gyno doesnt mean your estro is not high I just seen a guy post his blood work showing his estro in the 300's no gyno just a little bloating so BLOOD WORK is the only true way 2 know 4 sure..... high estrogen will cause you 2 store body fat around the mid section...Blood pressure can be controlled through diet IE low sodium intake and high water intake should keep your blood pressure pretty good a little high is normal BUT when you start hitting 150/90 thats no bueno.....So to wrap it up ....Up your cardio if you can in the morning on an empty stomach low intensity works great 1 hour walks.... get blood work if you can around the 5th or 6th week testosterone should be saturated by then....drink 1 gallon 1.5 preferably that will help with bloat and overall health I am having a brain fart right now so forgive me if I missed something


list the reasons you feel it would be beneficial to drop it early that way we can see where your coming from .... their are gentlemen far superior at aas advice than I but WE as a site will gather together to help you perform your best =)


Turning40 dbol is very powerful and proviron alone may not be keeping your estro under control. You may need to use an ai. Also pay close attention to the first signs your body gives you indicating your estro is rising. For me it red face from elevated bp and acne forming on the back of my head in the hair line. Your body will give you early signs it's just a matter of recognizing those signs. Also what you think is belly fat is most likely water retention. Like d_t said watch your sodium intake and use an ai. Gyno is the last sign of elevated estro. Keep us updated brother...


New member
I would only drop the dbol if it is causing you bad back pain. It's a great kick start for a cycle. I had to drop it after 4 weeks, my back hurt so bad I had a hard time walking. Couple days later I was back to normal!

Turning 40

Active member
My logic in considering dropping the DBol was simply that it is notorious for bloating, terms like "moonface" often associated with its use. I was blaming the increase in bf to the DBol.

My BP is normally low (resting between 105-110/70) it has raised slightly (125-130/65), (don't ask me why the diastolic has dropped - it just has but not massively - if it goes any lower however will need to have investigated).

No sign of acne.

Will continue with the DBol but add a proper AI, as advised (keeping the Prov as the wife is loving the side effects!)

Thanks again guys, will keep you updated.


What dosage of dbol are you using, and how are you taking it?