Pushing past that GREY area



The dreaded “ Grey Area “ …. Ya’ know like when you just come off a cycle or PCT and you have zero motivation. You do your bloods only to find your all levels are in check but you still feel like you are dragging ass. Usually I would experience this when my estrogen dives too low or my testosterone levels have dropped too drastically.


  • For me, it’s a mental thing that seems to come around just after a cycle where my motivation is in the dirt. Whether it’s a heavy 16-20 week bulk cycle or an 8-10 week short blast that mentally exhausted feeling always seems to come around. I can usually pull out of this buy decreasing my workouts and kind of just relaxing in-between cycles. Not to be confused with slacking, just kind of shorten my routine and switch thing up. After a few weeks of this I feel just about back to normal.


  • Your body really takes a beating during a cycle and it takes time for things E2@ and testosterone levels to get back to normal, and for you body to start adjusting back to its normal routine. For many, after PCT they feel like a million bucks and are all ready to go in for another round.


  • So I thought it would be interesting to open up this topic and see who does what after a cycle and more importantly just how you feel.


New member
Ive found depending on what kind of cycle you have finished, taking it easy, getting that mental state back in check always works..with at least a few weeks of lazy days..as in 25 minute wussy workouts. 2 sets, 2 or 3 exercises, 10 mins of incline walk. And a diet of what would be considered disgustingly terrible. And other than your normal pcts, ive tried loading up, as in insane amounts on natural "test boosters" (trib, honry goat weed, etc.) just too see if it gets that drive back that you need, if it makes a difference..some luck.

In the end..i feel like its almost all mental like you said.

Anyone noticed really weird sleep effects, post cycle?



I feel the same way about taking it easy but after a few weeks its time to shift gears. I feel more mentally exhausted though, perhaps due to the ratchetting down of hormone levels. But as the next cycle start date nears, it's game on all over again.

Good feedback Achilles. Smile
