

New member

Who else is witnessing the "pussification of our young boys ? "

  What I mean by that is young boys / young men that cant use an axe, change a flat tire, use a hammer or screwdriver, ride a motorcycle , drive a car with standard transmission etc etc . Believe it or not I have now even encountered a couple of 18 year old boys that still do not have a drivers license !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WTF is going on here ?

  One look at these kids and I can see they are complete pussies, are we no longer raising men ?




I know at work we get young guys coming in that can't do shit. I mean everyone starts somewhere learning a trade, but I'm talking can't move a wheelbarrow of gravel to backfill trenches. I saw a 65 year old man out work a 24 year old filling ditches. I told the boy he should be ashamed. He started acting like a bitch and we had to put him on van cleaning duty. 



New member

There's deff some weak ones out there...  my boys will not be in that category! My older son,  11 years old mows the yard just to get $5 so he can ride his bike to the gas station buy some worms and go down to the river to catch some fish.  Brings them home for me to eat but hasn't quite gotten to where he can clean them himself lol that's the next step.

I almost always lift at the gym and it kills them that they can't yet but if I am lifting lightly at home or even doing cardio they are in on it. I plan to have them looking ridiculous in high school. Just a few years away. 

My boys don't even cry because of pain.  I have proven to them that it does absolutely nothing for the pain. Just do what needs to be done to fix what is wrong and don't do it again lol. 

Here's the answer tho... look around...  see what these kids parents look like and you can see the problem. So many fat lazy people out there it is disgusting!!  Their kids following right behind. It's pathetic.  




There are soooo many fat kids out there its actually sad for those kids! Their parents should get a handle on that shit,,, NO FUCKING way will my kids be obese... its disgusting... They already know how I feel about fattys... lol




New member

Personally I think the parents should be charged with abuse. My son has a friend that has tits !!!  I often dont approve play dates  because Ive told my son I dont trust his mother.  That kid is also a pussy, all he knows is video games and he crys when he doesnt get his way. He doesnt know how to ride a bike , wont go hiking and wont go swimming.



New member

Thats great stuff !! Im right there with you, I had my 9 yr old glass bead a brake caliper for me yesterday.  They need to get their hands dirty and do stuff. They also need to not be coddled by a woman every time they get a scratch.




Also these youngsters have been coddled so much they get their feelings hurt when you talk to them straight forward and up front. They can't take constructive criticism or joking. It's truly sad. Same with my boys. I'm raising them to be men. Rough tough bastards that work hard when it's time to work. Don't make excuses and always accept responsibility for their actions whether it's good or bad. I also show them and teach them manners and respect for women and their elders.



New member

100% Agree!!!

I'm with you in this brother. Being bullied is BS. That's part of growing up, learning how and when to stand up for yourself. And I can't say certain things because that might hurt your feelings? Get over it you sissy little bi#)#!

I'm sick of what political correctness has done to our country. We're raising a generation of  disrespectful, indulgent, self absorbed, limp wristed, hurt feelinged pussies. 


Turning 40

Active member

Reading this post, laughing my ass off, what a bunch of grumpy old men we are!

Never knew my dad, but remember hearing my grandfather saying EXACTLY the same thing about our generation. His generation were working at 14, fighting Nazi's at 18 - my generation had it so easy, so spoilt.



New member

Yep I wont even think about hiring anyone under the age 28 any more the since of entitlement these kids have is freaking insane. They think they should be at the top after day two and yet the lazy fucks cant show up on time want breaks every time you turn around and they must have the biggest family in the fucking world cause every other day they call in cause another family member died.



New member

I think every H.S graduate should have to work some form of manual labor before going to college, if they choose that route.  I worked on a paper machine at 19 yrs old, hot, sweaty, nights and weekends (while my friends were partying).  Why?  Because I fucked up and married the wrong fat ass broad.  But I did what I had to do and that was provide for a young family.  What this current generation doesn't realize is there are no "free" rides in this world, someone is flipping the bill.  I've been laid off 5 times within 4 years and I have never taken one fucking unemployment check.  Why?  Because I was and still am a able bodied man that can work.  Call it pride or whatever, but I call it how I was raised.  Daddy taught me that not to rely on another man busting his ass to feed me.  If you can work, then you shouldn't be hungry!  Sorry for the rant, but this current generation really gets my blood going... And who the fuck can't change a flat tire?!?!?! lol



New member

I dont know about in your part of the woods, but in my area every single high school has eliminated its shop classes, there are no more wood, metal or auto shop classes in high schools.




that will get me on a soap box!  I raise my boys the old fashion way , work for every thing you have , nobody is going to give you anything.  I catch a lot of hell from other parents and my boys mother because they don't have the fancy vehicles and all the kool electronics, I make them both work jobs after school.   I tell you what mu dad raised me in the manner than you ant getting shit till you get it yourself. it trickles over into the fact that if everything is handed to them they never have to think about how to handle a situation , they never have to watch there money , ETC.    You there is a lot of pusses getting raised right now and the sad part is it's the parents fault because they where never taught to work.   Good thing is the boys that have parents that raise them right will be set when they get older because there isnt going to be very many good workers to choose from.  Hell it's already that way.     Some call it old school I call it real school.    Lol. They get made when I say that all the time. 




X2 axle there is no consequences for kids actions any more because they ha e no responsibility  mommy and daddy pay for it all  as far as pusses my nephrew is two and I punch fight play rough with him don't let him whine cause he is already a sissy  kids these days wouldn't make it 20 years ago 



New member

gotta start early with the kids. Every day they have to help with chores no matter how small a job. I love it when my son follows me in the garage. You bet your ass he is gonna carry some greasy tools around and get dirty. Watch. Learn. Do. No excuses allowed.  Seeing how many people have straight given up on life day in and day out , and what's worse, that it is supposed to be ok, is a fucking joke and makes me sick. people are either workers or they are not. 

This topic really got me on my soapbox..



New member

It does seem like we, as a culture, have vilified using our hands. And I wouldn't even make it a gender thing.  I'd want my daughter to know how to changer her oil, ride a motorbike, and be able to grow a tomato, same as my son.  And likewise, boys should know how to sow a button back on, and be able to make a meal that doesn't come out of a box. Getting outside, getting dirty, and doing manual work is glorious; It should be for everyone.




my spoiled rotten nephew wears skinny jeans and has no idea how to swing a hammer or even install a drill bit into a cordless drill. Crying shame these so call men can do such things. He gets tons of ass though i think girls these days like a softer wimpy guy. Idk just my opinion.




my grandsons and granddaughters ,all have a trowel and hammer and paint brush in hands already at pops house. And home for that matter . I bought them all them jeeps and shit 2xmas ago and good starting point. ..no pussys on my end but they are 2,3,4 years old so maybe there is a messsed up generation in the middle
