Putting it all together



+1 for attitude, spirit, and ATTITUDE! You will crush this, and crush it again.  Shit I've learned some stuff just because you asked questions, which I'm sure we all did. MisterA is one of nutrition gurus here, he'll be a great asset in your training.



New member

Thanks everyone !  Really looking forward to this!  Just placed my order ..... ordered Test E and Aromasin from one very trusted source here on MG and then a box of 23g 1" syringes / pins .... as well as some bigger pins for drawing.  Already have plenty of cotton balls and alcohol on hand ... my lady has her EMT bag still and keeps it stocked.  You have to when you've got two boys who are constantly hurting themselves  

Now its time to pay the piper .... got to get to work on that 'honey do' list.  Getting our house fixed up to put on the market.  Hoping to sell it and get the hell out of California .... Been here my whole life and still don't feel like I fit in ... too much bureaucratic bs in this state for me.  





New member

Mister A said:
</p><p>+1 For the awesome attitude. I swear to God my heart sings when someone listens to what we say. These guys are going to continue to be helpful to everyone, but when someone heeds their advice, it makes the effort worth it.</p><p>You should consider yourself the luckiest man on earth for having a woman who backs you on your gear use. Please, make sure you make an effort to show your appreciation for this.</p><p>It sounds like you don't have a macro plan set up. Depending on your activity level, going by your stats I'd guess your total caloric expenditure each day is around 3500 calories. Recomping is tricky and there are lots of ways to do it, but it's all about finding what works best for you. My suggestion is to carb cycle. And the reason for that is because we want to build muscle and burn fat and carb cycling will allow us to bounce between a slight deficit and a slight surplus without changing your protein or fat macros day to day. On your deficit days you'll bringing your weight down and on your surplus days your body will be building size. Hopefully the gear works its magic and you're able to do this efficiently.</p><p>Day 1: Protein: 400g Carbs: 170g Fats: 80g (3000 Calories)</p><p>Day 2: Protein: 400g Carbs: 295g Fats: 80g (3500 Calories)</p><p>Day 3: Protein: 400g Carbs: 345g Fats: 80g (3700 Calories)</p><p>Repeat.</p><p>What I did was give you 25% of your calories from fat, put your protein at 1.5g per pound of bodyweight and then filled the rest in with carbs, landing 500 below maintenance day 1, maintenance day 2, and 200 above maintenance day 3. On day 1 and 2 have all your carbs pre, intra and post workout. On day 3 spread your carbs out evenly across all your meals (50g at 7 meals a day).</p><p>You can run that throughout the entire cycle. Hopefully your weight stays right around 265 and all that changes is your body fat and lean mass index.</p><p>We can take a look at the diet after a few weeks and make adjustments if necessary. If you want to build a list of optimal foods, I can help you do that too.</p><p>Gear is g2g.</p><p>Nutrition is g2g.</p><p>All you gotta do is train like an animal now (and do 30 mins of cardio 4-5 times a week, preferably on an empty stomach).</p><p>
</p><p>VERY useful info here !  Thanks!  You are pretty much right on the mark with my kCal intake ... TDEE is right about 3400-3500.  Gonna put this to work starting Monday ... also gonna re-work my training routine.  I am one who has a tough time making changes even when I know they are needed.  Been using this same routine for a while and I like hitting each muscle group 2x weekly ... but all that was for the natty approach and we all know that things won't be so natty anymore ... So any input on training protocol / split is also greatly appreciated.  4 days a week at the gym has been my usual and I never have time to go on weekends.  But I could increase that to 5x weekly and take the weekend off?  Whatever works</p>



You have been given the best of advice here my friend . These guys tell it as it is with no BS at all that's why I rest my head here on this board. As far as advice that I can give you listen to Mr A , Strong , and Dolf they are so right when they say be easy with the ARO I personally know what it can do if not dosed or timed correctly . I don't know if I crashed my e2 but it was pretty dam low if the term wet noodle scares you will heed their advice. I'm all good now and I thank these guys for walking me through my ordeal.




Just don't move all the way across the map to NY/NJ... Lot of ass wipes here too.... IMO, California and the Tri-State area is where the Pussification of this great country started.... I fit in more in the places where you turn your head and see a Cow, Sheep, Horse, ETC. 

You May not fit in where u live but u fit in here just fine....




strong said:
</p><p> I fit in more in the places where you turn your head and see a Cow, Sheep, Horse, ETC. </p><p> </p><p>
 </p><p>Same here brother</p>



Im in cali too, i get tired of it as well. Stuck here tho, but would love to move back east, where i fit in. Cali is a bit too fake for my liking, and when i am simply straight up with a mother fucker they get all bent out of shape calling me aggressive. Where are the men at these days?? Bunch of whiners..




That gear will enable you to train harder and recover faster than ever before. Working one muscle group until you're spent will do wonders for your physique. Just don't increase your weight from week to week to rapidly, so you don't encounter tendon issues. 



New member

Dolf said:
</p><p>That gear will enable you to train harder and recover faster than ever before. Working one muscle group until you're spent will do wonders for your physique. Just don't increase your weight from week to week to rapidly, so you don't encounter tendon issues. </p><p>
</p><p>Really looking forward to this ... recovery has taken a hit over the last year or so .... guess that is part of the getting old thing.  But after seeing what my T levels are at recently I can honestly surmise that Low T is what is causing my recovery time to not be what it used to be .... so I am very excited about this cycle to say the least.  Waiting on product to arrive now ... figure I will be up and running by the end of the week.</p>


New member

Didn't even go online at all yesterday so just seeing all these posts now.  Spent all day ripping out our back deck ... yet another step in the process of getting the house ready to sell so we can get outa this oddball state.  I need to have property and cows again.  I grew up on 1300 acres with beef cattle and all the wild boar I could hunt .. but that all disappeared shortly after I went away to college when my parents divorced and sold the ranch.  So .... I really need to get back to that way of life.  Good clean food .... good clean air .... Gainz!    Tired of the California life. 

Thanks for all the info everyone .... waiting on product to arrive later this week .... and then my first pin.  I will start a new post in the cycle section to log this journey.  Looking forward to it ! 


Mister A


TKC: 1300 acres sounds like a lot of land to give up. I'd miss that freedom too.

Optimal 5 Day Split:

Monday: Quads

Tuesday: Shoulders; Triceps

Wednesday: Hams, Calves, Biceps

Thursday: Chest

Friday: Back

Now a geared athlete is going to respond very well high volume training. So pick 5 or 6 exercises for the big body parts and 3 or 4 for the smaller ones and do 4 working sets on each exercise plus your warmup sets. Work your sets like 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps and you'll cover the ranges you need to make sure you're getting enough blood flow via volume while still going heavy enough.



New member

Now that is definitely a different training split than I have done in the past.  So .... I have always believed in training muscle groups 2x weekly for optimum gainz ... for me at least.  Can I assume that while this was the way to go when I was natty ... it isn't as important to hit the muscles 2x a week when running gear?   I suppose this will be the hardest thing for me to wrap my head around ... sorta feel like I am not working hard enough if I only hit the big muscles once a week ... but I am heading into uncharted waters so .....

On another note my syringes and pins arrived today !  Major fast shipping considering I ordered them Saturday!  Now I am just waiting on the good stuff .... getting excited. 



New member

so .... just how important is it to get pharma grade ancillaries ?  Finding it VERY hard to find a trusted source for pharma grade aromasin .... Wouldn't a reputable UGL provide good stuff?  I mean if we trust our chosen UGL for the actual gear then wouldn't it seem logical to do the same for the ancillaries?  Maybe I'm missing something?  Clomid and Nolva seem to be much easier to find in pharma grade but Aromasin is the tough one so far .... for me at least  



Well-known member

I hear where you are coming from and there isn't a need for a huge mind shift but....

recovery is important and pays much higher dividends on PED's.

You will find a good balance. Although not impossible it is very difficult to over train as long as you place as much importance on recovery. Recovery plays a bigger role when you get our age so take that into consideration.





Ugl gear is not tested for accuracy, so the 250mg you just pinned could be in actuality only 200mg or could be 300mg. Gear being slightly under dosed or overdosed is quite common and isn't going to put you in a dire situation like an under dosed or overdosed ai, da, or serm will. When it comes to growing lumps of breast tissue being the risk of an underdosed ai the consequences are much worse than inaccurate gear. For pct it is the most important part of your cycle because a good pct will help determine how much of your gains you keep, so getting incorrectly dosed serms can make for a waste of a cycle, money, and time. This is why many would rather go with pharmaceutical grade because you can depend on the accuracy of the mg's you're taking. 

This isn't a knock on ugl's because I know many who have had great success with ugl ai's and serms. You can bank that our top sources do the best they can to ensure the accuracy of their products. That's why they're on top of the boards, but it'll never be as accurate as pharmaceutical grade.



New member

That's why I'm here .... words of wisdom .... makes complete sense when you put it into words.  If only we didn't have 'Big Brother' controlling what we put into our bodies.....making the only distinction between illicit drug use and "perfectly ok" being a doctors often uneducated opinion resulting in a prescription.  Sad how many members of society demonize steroid use due to complete disinformation and ignorance.  Steroids are bad ..... but the birth control pills your lady is on, the TRT your father is on, the cortisone shot your brother just got .....these are all just fine because some quack that is likely less knowledgeable about the subject than the average bodybuilder signed his name on a piece of paper ?  -  sorry for the rant.  Just one of those mornings.
