Ready for Summer Cylce


Well-known member

Didn't really want to post it all out. And if you have seen my posts before you already no diet is in check. However, if there is one thing i constantly adjust and play with that is cycles. New cycle to be ready for Summer.(This is Advanced cause of length but you can change it to a more started intermediate if you choose, you can also change the compounds--this is a 18 week cycle)  Compounds in cycle, Tren E, Test E, Mast, and Anavar. AI is Aromasin (its what i like)

February- 30 days out from start really (28) all gear ordered, diet planned.

Day 1-28 this is your diet in check and cardio and everything else before cycle starts.

Week 1-17--all my cycles is about keeping blood stable, and getting the most out of each compound there is never longer than 36hrs between shots.. Like Mast E if you cannot take a min of 600mg a week do not add it to your cycle its a waste. --

Monday: 150mg Test e, 75mg Tren E, 200mg Mast E (6am)

Wednesday:150mg Test e, 75mg Tren E, 200mg Mast E (midnight Tuesday night so as soon as it turns Wednesday)

Friday:150mg Test e, 75mg Tren E, 200mg Mast E (6am)

Sunday:150mg Test e, 75mg Tren E, 200mg Mast E (Midnight so Saturday night as soon as it hits Sunday)

Total Test E: 600mg, 300mg Tren E, 800mg Mast E

12-17 Anavar 75mg Ed--25mg 6am, 2 and 10.


Just thought i would post it. Just to start conversation :)







You are the second bro that I know that runs the test higher than the tren against the party line tthat "test and tren fight fo the same receptors so let the tren do its thing instead of the test." I have always wondered about this. If the test and tren bind to the same receptors, wouldn't the same action per the receptor be the result? Thus why even run tren at all? I don't know how the receptors work and how they "act", I can't find much of anything on the internet about the action of androgen receptors in general. However, in my experience with tren, it does have different results than test only, so wouldn't that suggest that it binds to a different receptor? Or do receptors do different things per the binding affinity of a certain compound? IF we use the lock and key analogy, perhaps tren turns the key in one direction thus telling the receptor to do instantiate one action, while test tells the receptor to instantiate a slightly different action within the cell. 

I also no people that run test to tren 1:1 with great results. It seems the "party line" doesn't really hold any water as the the magic ratio 2:3 (test p 350mg/week and tren a 525mg/week)



Well-known member

I will write something up for this. As for 1 to 1-- I think its better in short Easters because its easier to control.  IMO you start with Test p and Tren a and find the does that works with you yes IMO with short esters you goal would be 1 to 1 if not 50mg more of TREN. than use what you learn from that what will work whit E. I can do 1 to 1 in the shorter Easters, but when i take longer Easter depending on how long the cycle is depends if its 1 to 1 or less. if its a 12 week i will do 1 to 1 all day!! Longer i tend to lessen the dosage so i can extend Tren passed the normal max cycle of Tren E at 12 weeks.


Tip: don't think of AR (or any) receptor as a "lock & key". This is a oversimplication for smart people like us Meathead Pharmacists. Its more about binding affinity. Tren has a binding affinity 5x that is Test. This means a couple of things. One: for every 20 molecules of Test that just happen to find 20 AR receptor to bind to, Tren has 100 molecules binding to 100 receptors. Two: the Tren/AR bond produced is 5x stronger, giving the compound more time to cause a reaction in a cell.




Very interesting guys.

Question: Does every receptor get 'covered'? I mean from the theory Razzor put forth as best I understand in theory have hundreds of open receptors, test get some but the others stay available....then tren gets some but others still stay available?

I always thought of it more like layers on the receptors, take some test and every receptor gets a layer of test. Take some tren and that layers on top of the test etc       - Don't know if I framed my question correctly but it sounds like I was wrong an oversimplified.

SECONDARY Question: Do the receptors truly then get 'worn out' or overly used to the compounds we add, thus requiring higher and higher doses for TRT the years pass?

PS: I love you science guys!


I'm not sure exactly what your asking about being "covered" but maybe a little more explanation with lead you to an answer. I actually had discussions with my pharmacist training partner today to make sure I have my info right (its been quite a while since I have had pharmacology and cellular biology). 

First, most think all receptors reside on a the cellular wall membrane - this is not correct. Some do, like insulin receptors, but the AR resides in the cytoplasm (this is because it is a Nuclear Receptor). Second, it isn't a lock and key. It's a lock with many, many keys. Receptors are proteins and as such, their structure means everything. With this in mind, think of the AR receptor having many binding sites. This is how AAS's are able to work and have slightly varying properties from compound to compound. They each will bind in slightly different ways to the receptor. Thirdly, the AR when activated in the varying ways does nothing more then cause the expression of various genes. This is why it's called a Nuclear Receptor. Simply put, when a AAS binds to the AR, it migrates to the nucleus and causes an expression 9or transcription to be technical) of a particular set of genes. How the AAS binds to the AR changes what genes are expressed and how much (or how long depending on how you look at it). This is still a gross over simplification and binding affinity is another way to explain this idea but if your really curious on how this works this info should help lead you in the right direction for self research.  

As for worn out receptors, I never liked this idea and I don't think there is any scientific basis for flooded or worn out AR's. Your body is constantly replacing receptors so I don't know how this could be. This would require more research but I believe there are other factors that might cause what we perceive as worn out receptors. Remember, every cycle your pushing your body further and further [past what is "humanly" possible. At some point it has to slow down to a trickle of gains but that's a conversations for another thread. 



Well-known member
I was wondering the same thing about running test higher than tren. I tried running 500 test a week against 400 tren a week and i didnt really like the sides. but i was not sure if i didnt like the sides because i may have been dosing test too high. I would like more of a beginner cycle log for tren since i still have some that i either need to use or do something else with. could i maybe use 300 tren a week with 150 test a week? also, is running orals on a tren cycle to harsh? im sure it may depend on the person or experience.


According to my cousin who is a doctor receptors that are being flooded do not regenerate. She explained it to me like this. Think of a heroin addict. While they are consistently using their receptors get flooded and therefore are not regenerating. They have to keep using more and more heroin to be able to achieve the high they want or need. However once they go to rehab and get clean their receptors are no longer being flooded so of course they regenerate. That is why you see many of them when they relapse they use the same amount as when their receptors were flooded and they overdose.


The major concern with running high test with tren is elevated e2 levels and the sides that accompany that. A good start point would be 200mg test p and 300 tren a per week. With short esters you can make adjustments that change very quickly. I prefer my test lower than tren but I have many friends who run it 1 to 1 and do just fine.

Running an oral is fine as long as you keep it 6 weeks or less and run a good liver care to accompany the oral.


As far as orals are concerned, it is not uncommon that one will use winny or anavar with tren particularly at the end of a cutting cycle. As far as using tren because you have it but you don't like the sides, you might consider the latter option of doing something else with it. Many have used NPP as a substitute for tren with great results. Further, any results one achieves on any cycle is more due to diet than the drug used.
The way I first used tren was to titrate the dose up from 25mg a day for a week, then increasing by 12.5 mg each week until I found the sweet spot, which for me was 62.5 mg per day. I was using 350 mg of test p per week. This really wasn't a cycle per se, but was more of a "getting to know you" with tren ace. Since then I have used in many times, but it jhas been well over a year, maybe going on two since I last used tren. I noticed that with each cycle, it affected me differently, some of the than savory side effects diminished thus making the whole experience more palatable, though the so-called negative side effects are something I kind of liked to be honest :)


Well-known member
I may try that next time i try the tren thing. I have put on some really decent size. Im 5'8" 190 LBS fairly lean but holding water. I was wanting to try a masteron/Test/Winny or anavar. wasnt sure how i felt about winny. just trying to cut some water. would there be any other stacks to try as far as cutting besides tren? I have a good diet going. may start fasted cardio in the mornings starting next month. also, i take creatine and love taking it. to cut water, would it be better to stop taking creatine?


Short is yes. Creatine pulls water into the muscle. But I wondering if by cutting water you me that sub q water weight that's effectively hiding your abs or muscle definition in general? To a certain degree, water filled muscle will give the muscle less definition, so dropping creatine could. help in this respect. Otherwise, if it's sub q water we are talking about, other measures must be taken to get rid of that. A few things to do to achieve this is to drink over one gallon of water per day, decrease salt intake especially if you're over doing salt, sweat a lot, take dandelion root, and if you're already really lean I've heard that rubbing preparation h on your belly can help; I haven't and probably won't try this.
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I have to disagree a bit here blast. Tren is such a powerful fat burning compound that even with a not so good diet tremendous results can be achieved. Tren imo is the most abused aas because guys can use it to cover flaws in their diet to achieve excellent results. Even more so when combined with t3 and clen.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. yeah my salt and carb intake stays low for the most part and im already pretty lean. the only water im looking to shed is like you said around my ab area. my abs are definitely defined and visible but i can tell theres some water and fat that needs to be shed.