Real Food


New member

I've been using supplements, I.e. whey, carb shakes, etc., for quite some time.  Recently, I've been using the 5% nutrition real food to mix with my unflavored whey protein (I use the Iso-pure, 98% ISO whey, 0 sugar) with a tblsp of olive oil for a complete meal replacement.  It consists of all low g.i. carbs  Let me tell ya something bro's, that is the best tasting powder I've EVER had, blubbery cobbler flavor.  And the best part, it only has 1g sugar per serving.  My shake consists of 50g protein, 30g carbs and 14g fat.  Best shake I've every had nutritionally and flavor wise.  Thought I'd share for those that are trying to eat real clean.



New member

Hell i am up for trying that. they say egg white powder protein is also one of the best i just ordered some. stuff is ridiculous priced though




Optimum Nutrition now makes egg protein. Its a great medium speed digesting protein for sure. If you're lactose intolerant it's really great to use.




It does, and if weight gain is your goal PB packs a lot of calories in a little bit. 180 calories per 2 tbs. Healthy fats too.



New member

Holy crap OL I though I was the only one who doctored up protein shakes with peanut butter. I love that shit brother I eat a jar a week. Yeah it is somewhat night in fat but the naultural pb is good fats. Peanut butter is a bodybiluilders secret. But shhhhhh..... Its a secret. 




I eat a big jar a week too when bulking. I love PB, and it will help pack on the mass!




That's so funny I can't have it in the house when in trying to cut cause I'll eat that shit up my wife even has to hide hers or take it to work  only on maintenance or bulk is it allowed  



New member

I love me some PB too.  My newfound love is going to whole foods and they have a butter machine to make any kind of butter, peanut, almond, cashew, etc., and no sugar.




Hell yeah fatboy i have a health food store i hit up in my travels every few weeks that has a similar machine. I find it comes out rather dry and pasty though sh i throw a shot of evoo in loosen her up. Evoo i can drink straight, love that shit to death and super healthy for you. 



New member

Yes, it is quite pasty.  But if you're mixing it with a shake, it doesn't matter.  I love the fact that I know what's in it, just peanuts.  And if you splurge for a cheat meal, just add extra jelly and bigger glass of milk :)
