Receptor over saturation.


New member

To knowledgeable out there, how much true is in receptor saturation? It seems to me it is being fairly serious part of cycling and planning. Is time on = time off enough to free up the androgen receptors. Is there anything that can be used during time offto hold onto as much gains as possible. I used to do ostarine as a post cycle ( II'm a female so I don't really need post cycle as not much natural test anyway , but post cycle in terms of holding onto what s been built). However it doesn't seem like a good idea as it is binding to androgen receptors in muscles. What's your advice on that? 



New member

If you guys read articles from years back it says yea definitely over saturation happens. If you look at once more up to date it says not really as androgen receptors act differently than the once that for example get oversaturated with clenbuterol...




New member

I do very long cycles... I never go under8 weeks. My liver thyroid and cholesterol are fine as I get tested twice a year. I have no sides really expect of a bit of acne on face, but it's very little and acne on my back( fairly lots but Sun helps to make it almost invisible so

not worried) and some extra hair but not much. I love being on must admit and I believe with spot on diet



and good lifestyle I can keep up long cycles. The only thing is here I don't really want to lose my " sensitivity" to steroids. If somethings like that exists at all ! This is why I find it so bothering to find out. What's most experienced guys opinion is?





Even with all the information available understanding the mechanics behind receptors is still a very difficult concept to comprehend. I have a write up that I wrote awhile back that I will dig up and post, it is a simplified explanation on this topic

  • You are on the money lil' badger in saying that time will clear receptors, however, it is time that most people fail to allot . It's like a saturated sponge that you keep adding water to, thats why more is not better when it comes to taking compounds. (More on this in my write)

  • As for keeping your gains, respectively, you gals have much different protocol for pct since kick starting T production is not the objective ( As you know). I credit women who train since they must continue to work hard long after their cycle is completed to maintain what they have worked s hard on. Sarms are the closest thing to pct, chemical wise, that a woman can use IMO but keep in mind they too are demanding to an already worked receptor. Tapering and maintaining an appetite are a few of the selective things women due for pct since without either, you are more susceptible to depression, muscle loss, and E2 rebound. Agreed lil' badger ?




Borsuzek, I found a article ,where the same question was asked and I'm going to quote answer word for word ( by a woman and a source)  in all the cycs she ran those with test and those without test,she has not lost much at all as far as muscle mass while off cyc.she never use pct.noval  is for precontest drying out and clomid is quite useless as we gals don't need to restart test production I've used aromassin as ai on cyc and usually taper off but not always even then all I lost was some strength and even then I'd say I only lost about 10% of bench the last cyc with 12week off I didn't loose anything at all but she made it a point to keep up on her diet ,as on cyc and added cardio to miniume fat gain now quote borsuzek  thegal also asked about bloat off cyc and  1/4 tab aromasin EOD was used (if bloat from estro) BUT she worried about aromas in because chance of hair loss so she asked about adex . but I have no dosing available . like I said this is from a artical  I was reading and thought maybe it would be helpful I can't paste so I tryed my best word for word . hope this help some 



New member

I have also seen studies that suggest an increase in dosage after extended periods of time will lead to receptor upregulation...

so there is more debate as to whether or not receptor saturation exists!

I will try and dig out the article and post more information, as I wont remember half of it and Ill end up looking silly without evidence!

I personally find that switching meds regurlarly helps to maintain a steady and controlled muscle growth. I dont beleive in coming off, again this is my personal view and not scientifically supported in any way other than it works for me and I keep growing year on year.


Big Dan T

New member

I know it is a true fact... receptor saturation... My personal experience running cycles, I've found it to be most benefical to run 2 or 3 sometimes 4 different compounds to keep the receptors sucking in the goodness. I've found that using a wide range of AAS instead of a lot of a single compound has more benefits then using one at a higher dosage. The 'idea" is to shock the body into growth... sometime I wake up 4 am out of a dead sleep and go do carido, its a shock to my body... It's kinda the same idea in a sense, you want to shock your body by using compounds it isn't use to using... The first time you run a compound will be the most benefical to you after that it becomes like a prework out in a sense...



New member

Not that I don't believe what u say! But don't we all have just one type of androgen receptor?? That simply react same to any present aas? Is really changing gear so vital? I'm running deca now so I guess I 'll see in few weeks.  



New member


Originally Posted by pimpofny

I know that there many theories about this and there are even products such an denkadoil that claim to open up the receptors after being shut down or weakened due to aas ..........

I want to break this barrier and takin more gear aint the answer.......
Please share ur opinions

The short answer is simply no. Ask yourself do you think the effects of steroids are dosage dependent? It's because the more androgen receptors (AR) that are occupied with a steroid molecule, the better the effect. 

It would 'probably' take more than 2,000mg/week to keep a person's AR fully occupied on an ongoing basis. This is why upper level bodybuilders usually take 2,000-10,000mg/week when getting ready for a contest and in some cases use every week of every year.

Receptors "shutting down" or being "weakened due to AAS"... Where in the world do people come up with this? Unfortunately from people reading forums and taking on that view instead of reading medical research papers.

There is no such thing as AR down regulation or shutting down or being weakened. And there is no such thing as ARs being "full" to a person's detriment and/or needing to be cleaned out.

It looks like you may have fallen victim to myth. The cure for that is to do your own research through the numerous scientific studies that have been done in this area over the past 15 years.


The only receptor which DOES suffer is the Adrenal steroid receptor type I and ii which differ from steriod receptors

So if you don't want to take more AAS, which I agree is seldom the answer for most of us, then the change you need to make is in your diet (eat more a lot more and anything), your training, your resting or the steriods you are taking.


IMO people adopted this angle as it was easier to face then a hard road to success.


If anyone has evidence to support receptor saturation from steriods which would halt gains then please post.



yes changing gear is the best way to keep gains coming , receptor saturation is a touchy subject with no real scientific proof - the best way to think about is that your body will become used to 1 compound after awhile so you hit a stalemate - simply switch to another compound and your body will react to it - same as training either take a couple days of or change your routine .
