
New member

Anyone? Wondered if anyone cared to cross over and speak to and/or about the darker side of steroids... Have you ever temporarily lost control? Has it effected any interpersonal or professional relationships? What were your triggers? How did you rectify the situation? What do you do to avoid a relapse or recurrence of such instances?




I thought about this topic with great dept and ,I have to answer honestly ,,,no ,I been blessed I guess and haven't lost it ,,, and I had to think about this long because one time long story short ,, someone stalking wife showed up at the door action I was working 2 mile from home and yes I blacked out ,, I was told 3 day later that I picked him up by throat one hand (he's 220) walk him to end of driveway slammed him ,,I did choke him out ,,so I guess I did loose control because took wife 3 trays for me to let him go ,, or I guess I may have killed him ,,but I look at it like it could have been worse I didn't throw a punch ,, but still I guess its not normal to even put your hands on someone,,, I guess to avoid this in future you need to think of the consequences ,,especially me ,,,but on the same note this man was at the front door ,, tracked her down knowing she married to me ,, he was a threat ,, the scary thing Thom,, I blacked out from rage and I was 4 weeks in on drol and test ,,other than that incident ,no there hasn't ,,,I'm wrong agion ,, someone cut me off gave me the finger chased me into a parking lot once action I was drooled up,,just as I stopped to get out my fiance who is my wife now called and I immediately calmed and just drove by him ,,(divine intervention) like I said good post,, I guess we need to be,in control of our action and handle the compounds we choose to put in our body,, but this topic brings it up front in our minds ,and when its up front we can look at our actions and adjust ,and if we can't adjust it I believe its time to stop,, if we are to in danger others ,, and it would depend on the circumstances like when a man who most likely could have put my wife in a fucked up position ,,was I justified. Good topic bro then agion I'm sitting here thinking ,,is it really the compounds that had we act out #1my life my love was in danger ,I did anything any other alpha male would do to protect there own ,, and the sisuiation with the car and finger ,, I believe I would have acted the same way ,,without the compounds ,,does that make it right no,, its only a finger so no harm done ,,that was a bad choice ,, what can be done for relapse ,, we need to open a new forum to get this shit off our chests before it gets to that point ,, the only prevention is ,, release ,,, solo maybe we can bring up the subject of our own forum that is why were here no to keep each other safe ,, and seems like this is a part of aas  use could call it the rage lounge



New member

Thanks for weighing in. I would like for this forum to get going only because I think that it can be A) Preventative, B) Therapeutic and C) a way for those of us who have done rash, aggressive and perhaps otherwise inexcusable things while on AAS to purge themselves and help drop that weight and reclaim a positive outlook/train of thought with regard to AAS use. Understanding ourselves is certainly part of responsible use. And yes, I do have a share up my sleeve.




I feel that it depends on the individual. Sure the presence of elevated testostrone/ dht levels contribute to an increase in aggression, but in a already high strung person their aggression is amplified. Some say elevated BP also contributes to aggression but personally I have to disagree with that. I am normally a laid back person and rarely fly off the handle but trying not to get off topic here, I tend to be much more emotional while on a cycle. Emotional yes, angry no. Kind of further supports the theory that roid-rage depends on the individuals personality.




I seem to agree because I only had them 2 instances and the one clearly ,,the man couldn't take a direct order or what you want to call it ,,he stalked seemed out mand showed up in the middle of the country ,I took it as a direct threat not to mention my wife called hysterical ,,who wouldn't slam him ????? And the second one ,, was a rare occasion so for real I guedpss it not bad normal ,, but still should have a area to get the shit out ,,,you know also ,, I played dearly with consequences for my actions before ,,compared to how I was 10 year ago,, by put to be honest I work and I'm home ,,I workout home and my wife is my best friend we do everything together ,, so we really are loners but we love it ,, and the fact that its not a pretty world out side my door ,, USA isn't all everyone makes it out to be trust me ,,   so I must say I'm very well tempered ,, but I had programing ,I'm resposable ,for my action ,, I'm responsible ,for how I feel no one but me can effect my mood,,,some plp say oh well if he didn't say that or she pushed my button ,, bullshit we can only push our own button,,then a lot of times ,, I would think someone felt I certain kind of way about me ,, or I'd see someone that would remind me of the old me and I'd hate him ,,because my persepetive of him was totally oppisit ,from how he was or is ,,,,you see where I'm going with this right bros ,,, have the reason we act out its our own shit not someone else's ,, well talk more on this if you want bro pm me ,,I don't want to tie a forum up on a review site with my programing ,,,sorry I got carried away like I said I use to councle and enjoyed it 




Dang brother D, not easy on the eyes to read. Take a step back away from everything to collect your thoughts, time alone without the influence of others has tremendous healing powers.



New member

I'm sorry for that and everything from the way I processed and projected my stresses/stressors to the way that they manifested and my loss of self control. I don't think that it was completely AAS - there were other very powerful factors that alone could have very well put me in that dark place, but the added aggression turned what might have been my tears of frustration to a perpetration of a more physical nature. I just needed to vent... pass on something that might open the eyes of another, perhaps less experienced user.... show that I can take some of the first steps in admitting to the monstrosity that I committed without blame on/for anyone else. I do start psychotherapy in the near future.


Good luck and God speed, bros. I'll be back and better still!



New member

This passed Saturday night, with alcohol and some trust issues being involved, I lost it completely. My girlfriend whom I love, seemingly to what has become infatuation birthed from jealousy and discouragement, and I got into a terrible argument. For months, it seems that she and I have been on the rocks and I feel that I have been stuck in a quicksand-like pool of self loathing behavior. I have been in a Custody dispute with my son's mother for nearly 5 years and that has recently gone south to the extent that the Court has heard my concerns and answered them with increased financial burden upon me while I maintain de-facto custody of my son (I have him the majority of the time and they still want me to pay child support to his mother although she and I were never married and by law cannot collect alimony but since I earn more than she, they ruled that I have a financial obligation to be sure that his quality of life does not change when he visits with his mother). Never mind the system making her step it up and do the right thing - whatever. At any rate, my own various stress and self loathing behavior caused my girlfriend to seemingly favor the company and attention of others. Although I believe now, whole heartedly, that she never did anything wrong or was ever unfaithful, I became consumed with a jealously that I designed from the most innocent subtleties and charged her with being a slut and a whore, etc. After much escalation, I raised her from the ground by her throat and threw her across the room. Now, I am an otherwise mild mannered man but I have become an animal...




I agree with you here D, outbursts are not completely fueled by roids. Rather, it's dependent on ones personality. Not to call anyone a hot head, but everyone processes anger differently. This whole topic is debatable for sure. There are steroid free people who have a temper that of a bull while others can take a hook to the jaw and just smile.. Roid Rage is said to be an old myth (Google it) but anyone who cycles know how the shifting of hormones can affect ones decisions. For me, I get emotional and very sensitive over certain things. NO, I don't cry like a teenage boy who just got dumped at the prom or anything, by the hormonal swing is enough to be more compassionate toward things. But what about the ones who are calm by nature ? Will AAS cause them to turn into a monster? I think not. My wife has a fuse the size of a pencil point, light it and you had better run. However, when she runs a cycle I see absolutely no increase in her anger, if anything she is in a much better mood. In my opinion, I guess it boils down to this:

If you naturally have a temper, the combination of that and hormone swings may cause you to make irrational decisions. Taking steroids will not be the sole origin of why you turn into the incredible hulk. Stepping back and taking a deep breath, looking at the situation form all angles, and realizing where you are and how you got there will help you better deal with situation that may induce the so called "Roid Rage".
