

Never cycled. 6.1 and 180 in decent shape for my age 46. Been to state prison 3x, drugs, and always been able to bulk up really fast 205 - 215.
Ive def. hit the age barrier. I eat and train like always with minimal gains and I won't accept that... so here I am.
I am leaning towards testE@500wk and hgh 4iu daily. I've done what research I can, bloods like good and I have years of training exp. under my belt and know my body well.
Any advice is welcome. I've ordered the gear already but PMs for solid alternatives are also welcome.


Well-known member
Sounds like you have done some research. That's awesome.

Test e 250 Monday and Thursday.

Are you planning to pct after cycle or blast and cruise. Did you get a testosterone level with your blood work?


Sounds like you have done some research. That's awesome.

Test e 250 Monday and Thursday.

Are you planning to pct after cycle or blast and cruise. Did you get a testosterone level with your blood work?
Honestly I'm not sure yet on if I'll stop at one cycle. It's actually what I've been looking at today, as far as options/risks. I do need to buy a PCT within the next week or so regardless.
Yeah low 300's which wasn't enough for a Dr. At the time I was lifting 3 to 4 times a week and cycling 20miles a day with a close to 4k calorie diet with a solid macro %. So that's probably my genetic max atm.


Well-known member
If you PCT, have PCT meds handy. If you go for cruise/TRT - have a few more bottles of test handy, just in case


Nope. Completely new to it all. I did see the results of my ex's father taking it though and that's what sold me on the idea.


If you PCT, have PCT meds handy. If you go for cruise/TRT - have a few more bottles of test handy, just in case
I'm 90% on going blast and cruise. My age really was the deciding factor. I am going to have PCT on hand, once I source it anyway, jic I have a bad reaction and need to stop.