Scientific Recommendations For Strength And Hypertrophy Training



From what I gathered it's 6 exercises with 3 sets of 10. Chest, back, legs, bi's, tri's, and shoulders each gets one exercise at 3x10. Sure doesn't seem like much volume per muscle per day.




I hear that! I'm accustomed to much higher volume. It seems at first glance like it would be too easy, or lacking intensity, but I guess its volume over time, and exercise selection would be very important, and even the order of exercises would most likely  have to dialed in fairly tight. I wonder if a program based on this model wold have to be a 7days per week kind of protocol since the muscles are recovered? 




While I was out in the woods, I came up with a full body training scheme. It will likely amount to a rough draft, and after I put it together, I would probably go with 4 sets instead of three. Though I have the voice of Scott Abel repeating "You've got to trust the process!" (he pronounces 'process' like 'pro' as in "pro football', or "prohormone"; he's Canadian. With this schematic, each muscle group gets 18 sets per micro cycle. I think total sets should increase after 4 weeks, along with progressive overload.I would say run something of this sort for say 12 weeks, then go with a different program that increases total sets to 24 per week. Any way, without further ado, here is the layout; it's a six day plan, so however one would like to split it up go for it. Hope this makes sense :)

Day 1.

Chest: Barbell flat press. Back: Bent over row. Hams: Stiff legged dead lift (wide stance). Quads: Leg extension. Biceps: 21's. Triceps: Skull crushers. Calves: standing calf raises. Shoulders: Rear delt machine

Day 2. 

Chest: Incline Dumb bell press. Back: Seated Cable row. Hams: Dumb bell stiff leg DL/RDL. Quads: Squat. Bi: Preacher curl. Tri: French press. Calves: Leg press calf raise. Delts: Machine laterals

Day 3. 

Chest. Decline press. Back: BOR (change grip from day 1). Hams: SLDL (Narrow stance). Quads: Smith machine Hack Squats (narrow stance). Bi: Barbell curl 1 1/2 reps. Tri: rope extensions. Calves: Donkey Raises. Delts: Seated Dumb bell Over head press. 

Day 4. 

Chest: Dumb bell Flat fly. Back: Lat pull behind neck. Hams: Lying leg curls. Quads: Squat. Bi: cable curls Tri: Over head extensions. Calves: Tibialis raises. Delts: Incline rear delts. 

Day 5. 

Chest. Dumb bell flat press. Back: Lat pull. Hams: hams string curl. Quads: Leg press. Bi: Incline curls. Tri: Dips. Calves: Standing calf raise. Delts: dumb bell lateral raise. 

Day 6. 

Chest: Dumb bell Incline fly. Back: Single arm rows. Hams: Dead lift. Quads: leg extensions. Bi: Rope curls. Tri: underhand grip straight bar cable extensions. Calves: leg press calve raises. Delts: Hammer strength front press
