So you're thinking of running gear




There, pretty sure no one will miss that. Further, I wont be getting into the why's and wherefore's.

Quite often, many people who want to, or have done one, cycle are not or were not ready to embark upon this path. Myself included!

I hear, and read pretty much the same thing over and over again, that being, "I train 3 days per week, and my diet isn't great, and I want to look like (insert movie star, or a Mr. O here) as soon as possible." Let it be for a wedding, a vacation, or whatever.

Remember, whomever it is that you want to look like has amazing genetics, most likely at least, and have worked for a LONG time to get that physique. Furthermore, many have led an athletic lifestyle simce god knows when. Aside from military vets, most of us do  not fall into that category.

Genetics reaches far deeper than our ancestral history. Each one of us is vastly unique. Some have evenly distributed androgen receptors, have low myostatin production, have fantactic insulin sensitivty, and an easily activated MTOR pathway. Many don't, and all of lie within that spectrum with each category also in the spectrum from freakiskly fantastic to freakishly fat and weak.

Let me not discourage you by any means, i am just asking that we all be realistic with our goals, and wisely set goals such that we are not setting ourselves up for discouragement, disenchantment, and failure. We need all the confidence we can get. So, lets create goals that are achievable in the short term. Each success being the foundation for future success :)

What we must do is form good habits at first, e.g. training habits and diet habits. Once these habits have become second nature, you may have succeeded in creating a routine. In other words, you no longer have to atruggle make 6 meals per day, its just what you do, it has become prt of your lifestyle.

Alright then, lets see here...First, let us start with some realistic immediate, short term, and realizable goals to get the ball rolling.

Goal Set 1. Immediate.

Three days of training per week is fine for staying pretty much where you're at physically. To start, add another day of training per week. Say you are doing 3 sets of 8 reps. I guarantee you can go to 4 sets. Then 4 sets of 10 pretty soon after. Especially if you leave that damn phone in your locker. 

Plan your workouts BEFORE going to the gym. That way, you have your plan already carved out, and you can now go in and work. I recommend using pencil and paper so you can write notes, and fill in the reps and sets as you go. Even better, without the damn phone, you will have no reason to be a YouTwitInstaFace guy or gal pissing everyone off you are waiting for that bench or machine or rack! Just trying to help boost your positive objective image. 

Next, get your diet in order. It is as easy said as it is done. With minimal effort, you can plan and prepare 6 meals per day. If you supplement your meals with more than two protein shakes per day, reduce that to two shakes, the rest must be "chicken and rice, mother fucker!" And, no one got booted from fat camp by eating too much brocolli or cabbage; eat your fucking veggies!

At first, follow a steady state diet plan to create a habit that will hopefully become a routine. Disperse your carbs and protein evenly between all 6 meals. Your two shakes, one of which should be a post work out, the other for breakfast, ought to have only incidental fats. I like to create my own shakes with pure whey isolate, oats, and pure glucose, NOT CANE SUGAR ORGANIC OR OTHERWISE. In this way, i can accurately track my macros with having to account for all crap put into pre made shakes. By the way, muscle milk is garbage.

Goal Set 2. 

Work to lower body fat  to 12% or less. Do this through diet and training. DO NOT USE CLEN, ECA, OR SOME FAT BURNER AT THIS POINT! It is important to let your body achieve this goal as naturally as possible so as to allow it to achieve a new, healthier metabolic set point. Leave fat burners for later. Depending on what your body fat percentage is when you start, it may take longer for higher fat content, and maybe as little as 8-12 weeks. Again, genetics play a key role here.

There are so many other things i could write about, but, i think in the interest of keeping this not too complex, ill end here.

Oh, and fuck luck! Its all work, dedication and enjoying the process. Remember, gear only works as good as the user has prepared him or her self. Mario Andretti had to practice driving for years before racing a forula 1 car. Gear is that car, you are the driver, not the orher way around. You must practice and prepare prior to using gear. If you dont you may not even make it around the track for one measely lap!

Further reading:



New member

Habits! and habitual thoughts... they can be our best ally or our worst enemy.  Our redemption, lies in rewiring those habits and reorienting them toward goodness.


I was in the gym yesterday and saw a headline on TV that said the wedding workout.   People that are only motivated temporarily for some event, I dont really get that.  



New member

Your opening statement was to run ONLY Test for 1st, 2nd, 3rd cycles.  I just started my 2nd cycle yesterday and I was thinking of stacking Anavar.  I must admit I don't know much about Anavar, however I have done some research and recently posted a relevant question here on MG.  Thanks blast!




So very true! An event will get someone's ass moving to get in shape...that seems to be the new norm. indeed, we have to change our mindset. The majority of us want it "now and fast." I see more and more 6 minute this, 30 days to that, etc..

I have learned that patience is a virtue. I admit it took me a minute to understand growth and the time it takes to achieve desired results. However, I never once expected to undo what time, childbirth and my eating habits had done-- overnight. Many people are preyed upon with all these get fit quick schemes and they are disappointed when they stop the teas etc and the weight comes back on in a larger amount than what was lost...
