Some interesting questions about ur gym


New member
Guys, today I would like to ask you about the cost of membership cards at your gym and what services are included in them. In addition, let's discuss what it's that you are most annoyed about in your sports club.
piggy box.png


Well-known member
I haven't been in a commercial gym In a very long time... And I've never actually had a gym membership.
But... I am considering it. I need access to a heavier lat pulldown and I would love to use a leg press.

Well-known member
I haven't been in a commercial gym In a very long time... And I've never actually had a gym membership.
But... I am considering it. I need access to a heavier lat pulldown and I would love to use a leg press.
i really think you should. after all, there are lots of machines that I'm pretty sure you don't have at home. you never know you're going to love them. i mean, it think you should give it just a try (trial) and see how's it going


Well-known member
i really think you should. after all, there are lots of machines that I'm pretty sure you don't have at home. you never know you're going to love them. i mean, it think you should give it just a try (trial) and see how's it going

That's why we have a membership to the "passion palace"
Oh wait... We're talking about gym memberships... Yeah... Those kinds of machines... I could definitely use them as well


Well-known member
well, don't expect to love them as much as those in the passion palace :ROFLMAO:

I really want to get a real Sybian saddle... But $1,300 is just so much. And that's before all the cool attachments...
So for now we'll just stick to the Doxy 3rd gen.

I really have to stop hijacking threads..
Back to the op... I think I'm going to get a membership to ABC or best fitness.
They are both within 20 minutes of me... And have enough equipment to make it worth it

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
I’ve had memberships to gyms that cost $29 dollars a month, where every one and their grandma are there. Sitting texting on machines im trying to use. Place is a zoo. Have to time my visits around peak hours. But was cheap. But pissed me off because of how busy it was all the time. Had to be like a shark in there and grab machines the second they opened up. It really fucks your routine.

To memberships at gyms that cost $200 a month. But was a completely different crowd. Literally Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman visited quite often. Almost EVERYONE that seen in there was on the sauce. Huge pro body builders, or guys and girls trying to get their pro cards.
Not as crowded. But more of a “scene” than other gyms. Less bs and people who are more straight to the point. Have a goal or purpose for being there.

Regardless of where I go. It needs to be open 24/7. Sometimes I like to work out at 9pm or later.

But if I had a choice, I’d pay a little more for a less crowded gym with a more purpose driven crowd, people who are more on my wavelength and above


Well-known member
I just can't wait to move so I can expand my home gym.
With all the different attachments and technology now... It's possible to have a leg curl machine, leg press, pendulum squat... What ever you can think of in your home.


Well-known member
it is possible to have everything you want in your home. considering this
where every one and their grandma are there. Sitting texting on machines im trying to use. Place is a zoo
that's definitely the best thing to do.
however, it's a huge investment.