Something extra for second half?

Turning 40

Active member
Hi Guys, First cycle (Test C, with DBol at start), Dbol finished 2 weeks ago, decent gains early doors but plateaued since then, and missing the Dbol pumps. Test on it's own doesn't seem to be doing much (it's pharma gear, from a top ranked source) and I'm busting my ass in gym. Got about 6 weeks work of test left any suggestions as to what best to add to it for a little boost before cycle ends (oral pref)? PS: forgive the spaces, - pls admin can we get paragraphs?? Thanks.


I wouldn't add anything being your first cycle. That's the dbol affect. It gives you awesome pumps and rapid weight and strength gains. The when you stop you want those same gains. Dbol is the sprint. Test is the marathon. Stick with it and keep working hard. Those dbol gains aren't permanent, but the test will help make a lot of it stick.


New member
What we take isn't magic, hard work still has to be put in! Patience brother, patience! And what dolph said, stick with the test!


what are your goals? Bulk? strength? size? lose fat? Keep your expectations realistic test ismt magic. But tell me your goals and we can see what your doing training wise.....


New member
If you really feel you must add something, then add a peptide. In fact ppl have heard me mention this a lot so I'll tell you the same. Run 50 days if IGF1-LR3 and have it stretch in to your PCT

Turning 40

Active member
Cheers guys, TBH it was what I was expecting to hear. It's difficult not to get greedy tho! Peptides? Honestly know very little about them. Will need to do my homework, maybe next time. Thanks again everyone.