

New member

Greetings, I'm a spanish engineer, fitness lover and iron addict;

I came not only to gather info to have a better criteria when choosing a source or planning a cycle, but also I'd like to contribute with my little (indeed a lot of) knowledge about nutrition and chemicals. 

I like researching myself, trying new combinations and so, and of course I've commited a lot of mistakes like loosing too much muscle on very hypocaloric diets or getting bloated like a zeppelin due to several weeks on Dbol.

Stay strong, stay lean! ;)


UPDATE - 26 June 2017: Recently I was asked about my past in another thread, why with my gear exp. I wasn't heavier. I think this is the right place to talk about it so I'll make a copy-paste.


It's a bit pitiful to explain my exp and why I'm still at this weight. In order to make it easier I'll place my age in each stage in bold.

I've been training without PEDs until 24 years old. I was around 65-67kg with an over the average strenght levels and my gym which was the closest to my home was a bodybuilder one, famous in my city.

My goal never was BB, indeed I just wanted to reduce my BF% which had been around 25% and to reveal my abs. That made me use a lot of legal fat burners from 21y.o. to 24y.o. Problem: I fucked up my CNS when trying to get an enhanced cutted physique, and fucked my hormonal system (low thyroid, low test...) so I was sent to an urologist due to low test. He directly told me to go on TRT, but my cousin, who is a cancer specialized doctor, spoke with my parents and convinced them and me that I could recover naturally eating more and resting from stimulants. That never happened, but since I was told to go on TRT I thought...what if I do a kind of "PCT" to try to recover / push my natural levels back since they were suppresed due to bad eating? And a friend of mine, mens phys., told me: if you're gonna do a PCT why dont you get advantage and do a cycle first? So I did.

1st cycle: [24] /1st cycle/ Dbol only cycle, without test. Bulked a lot then I cutted during summer with ephedrine and caffeine but afer 10 weeks started a  /2nd cycle/ cutting cycle and I gained some lean mass while cutting. That's the best physique I ever had (73kg around 10-12%BF).

Problem: after doing that 2nd cycle my hormone level went back to crashed level and I went into a almost-keto diet. Then [25], since I rejected that urologist and still with same problem I was sent to an endocrine. SHE (the endo) considered that my test levels were acceptable (1st bloodw. around 200, 2nd one around 300ng/dL) and told me that I was recovering, so I stayed for an entire year in a caloric deficit because as soon as I ate sth it was directly stored as belly fat [26].

From [26] to [27] I was finishing my degree and very busy and did another  /3rd cycle/  /4th cycle/ 2 cycles with a similar pattern, different compounds, 8 weeks bulk 4 weeks cut. Results were great during the bulking phase (indeed, since my test levels were so low during off time, my anabolic response to just 250mg test 250mg nandro was amazing, my gym teammates were surprised how could I reach their strenght in just 3 weeks). Problem: all the injectables were SHIT. Was a brand homebrew called xxxxx('forgot' to tell that my dealer was caught some weeks ago in that Operacion Dianu thread, if you wanna see that brand check the videos, ORANGE boxes). So in both cycles I bulked great beacuse orals were legit: xxxxxx, some xxxxx and xxxxxx but when trying to cut with xx test and tren, I just could barely maintain my mass. Here is where I'm to blame, after cutting with underdosed gear I still gave priority to loose fat and many times found myself in a 2 roads option: loose muscle and loose fat and be able to wear my slim-fit clothes or keep muscle and gain fat, and obviously the 1st option won in my brain batte. All my gains were gluconeogenized. =S

At almost [28] I moved to another city to do a master. There I went to an endo and explained all that I tell here. After another bloodwork directly prescribed me TRT 250mg/e2w of testosterone cyp and I convinced him to also replace my thyroid with 125mcg/ed of T-4. I explained him that I was always almost dead at 18:00 and my energy levels sucked. Now during this year after some months of analysis being clean, I did my /5th  cycle/ first good quality cycle, a testosterone E and trembolone E based one, and after 1 month results were amazing, gained muscle and even lost fat (combined a strange diet protocol (invented by me haha) of training 3 hours after a couple boiled eggs with some ephedrine miligrams. And here is where my bad luck appeared: I developed a double nerve entrapment of both radian and median nerves of my left arm. Decided to stop gear until recover since not only I couldnt do any free weight, but also my nerve was so fucked I felt it pumping and causing pain when trying to sleep. Finally once stopped gear and seeing that training less didnt help, stopped training for 2 weeks. Nerve problems went but revealed that also pain was due to a forearm tendinitis. I've been 3 months dealing with it, trying to do exercises which didnt worsened it and since I wasnt recovered I used some orals (methyltrienolone or methandienone) only after workouts instead of going into a cycle when could only train at 66%...

Finally, 3 weeks ago, when I was gonna start my /6th cycle/ cycle, went to remove a lipoma and was an hernia. Rested for 3 days and started my cyclethat you reviewed days ago. [still 28, my bthday is close, in a month] I'm almost recovered from my tendinitis (the only thing that finally fixed it was doing negatives with small weights) and also from the hernia. Now my only problem is the fucking PIP on my shoulder from injecting 1mL with 550mg of gear on it.


It's 6a.m. here, and sincerely, more than ashamed or sad, I feel relieved and motivated to do things right. Thanks for your time mr. SemperFi. I hope I don't deceive you with this messy experience but I did what I could and medics, at least my first endo, didnt help. I'm lucky I moved to this city. The only thing I miss is that super reactive growth after 3 months with an elderly testosterone levels.


And forgot to tell, about my goal, I'd like to get a kind of mens physique aesthetic, with a personal touch of having bigger calves and bigger forearms compared with the rest of the body. I love how it looks.





Bienvenido a la comunidad! Hope you enjoy your stay here and feel free to ask any questions you might have! 



New member

Thanks for all your effort writing in Spanish haha! Glad to be here.

(sorry the explorer did an error an message was written twice)




another +2 my amigo 

but i had to edit the labs. , you need to remember. cant mention labs.  its easy to forget.  ...but great explanation.   and i commend you for the amount of care you adreessed to your condition



New member

Thanks for taking the time to remove the brands and to read all that enormous text mr. Siegmund. As they were so famous brands and nobody has a doubt about their quality I supposed was not a problem, like if I said which pharma prescribed brand I use for TRT.

Getting used to the rules little by little =)
