Stabilizer Muscle Development


Well-known member

For anyone who wants to develop and strengthen their stabilizer muscles I highly recommend that you consider a balancing class. I began Yoga Balance at a local gym a few weeks ago. The first few session I was sore EVERYWHERE. I didn't realize I had that many muscles that were under utilized.

Yes, Batman does yoga.

Developing our stabilizer muscles will reduce the risk of injury, increase muscle size, recruit more muscle fibers and increase overall strength.

I triple dog dare you to give it a try.... great place to pick up hot chicks if you are single. ;)






 I do shoulder pre-have 3 times a week, so I don't have to do shoulder rehab! Yoga would kick my ass, and I'm not sure I could handle being full blown cycle in a room full of women in yoga pants.




I believe that yoga pants of today were first popularized by hair metal bands of the 1980's. Then, in the early 90's, people practicing Iyenagar yoga, and the ashtanga yoga of K. Patabi Jois, especially the latter given its athletic style, began wearing spandex tights. I recall that there was a small company that began making and marketing the spandex pants and shorts as yoga wear, which was an instant, and obviously, long lasting fashion statement that has become just what women wear on a daily basis, at least in cali. So, hats off to BKS Iyengar and K Patabi Jois, and the likes of Motley Crue for bringing to the world decidedly the best style to ever grace the female physique :)
