Steroids and emotions.



Who gets emotional while on a cycle ? Sure testosterone will generate that feeling of well being, which is  powerful emotion, as well as increase your sex drive, make you feel more energetic, etc... But what about emotional ? You know like when women have their period, they are easily upset or easy to fly off the handle ? Do any if you get like that ?

Personally I find myself much more rational and understand to what people have to say and process certain thing differently. When I am on a cycle I am more understanding toward others needs an find myself being much more sincere. I am normally like this, but it just seems to be more Intense when I'm on a cycle.

How do you all feel, any input ?




Milk you just hit the nail right on the head bro,,, I'm on tren and prop high dose also ,,I'm not angry or aggressive ,or ignorant ,,I'm probley overly understanding ,for real and more helpful than usually ,and I know my aromansin is right and my caber ,,holly shit maybe to much cabrer::)) I feel like Ron Jeremy ,for real ,,but like today bought wife a new glass top stove its weird ,I got chocked up and shit ,,or if I help a bro out ,and its appreciated yes I get chocked up ,,makes me happy that I can do for someone ,,and I'm keeping it real here ,,and don't give a shit ,its not about being soft trust me I'm the farest from ,, but yes I get happy when I help and yes it gets me chocked up with a good feeling ,,,now on the flip side and its happened today ,a want to be tough guy cuts me off ,then him and his want to be boy ,,want to raw raw raw try to intimidate me ,,NOT ,, bro ended up on his hood with his nose ,hanging off his face ,,and his boy took off running down the street ,,and I had witnesses that he cut me off ,then him and friend had road rage and came at me ,,only problem ,,they ain't never screwed with no dog ,,but I blacked out ,,,the anger went to roof but my mind is also penatentary ,,and when someone comes at me ,,I take it as life or death ,,but like old women and men and the cops said there want to be tough guys ,,so if put in a corner ,I defend self tren related absolutely not ,,I'd do it off cycle ,,but yes to the subject ,good subject bro ,+1




Dam Sig, you are like a poet bro. Or perhaps you could be a wrapper, make a mint, and open up "SIg's Juice" and become an exclusive MG scr.

It's true though SIg, may process the juice in different ways. years ago I use to get a bit of the rage in me but not anymore. I know of a few guys who will cry over the slightest thing. Yes real men do cry and steroids amplifies that emotion. 




I living proof ,like I said when something makes me feel good I get teared up ,the wife and the weed ,teared up ,buying her the stove teared up ,help a bro and they really appreciate it teared up ,,and you know what I can live with this ,,,I feel like one of the old hippies !!! Peace love and rock n roll ::))). Edit peace love rock n roll and aas




Doesn't really change me at all. I'm more moody but that's mostly because of good or bad workouts. Not because of test. Just makes getting stronger a little easier.




True I'm on a bag full of meds it seems ,,in morning 50 mg prov,, 12.5 aro ,, then every 3 days sometimes 2 caber ,, then the prop ,and especially the tren ,,lmao ,,I was really so nervous with tren and cautious 'and the whole 9 yard ,, ( which I should have been ) and tren just agrees with me solo much ,,and week 6 is coming and I feel better today ,and no sides like week 2,,, and its funny I think tren effects the op ,,according to the way the person is ,,like me I'm crazy ,,and I mean that but now its a good crazy ,, and the way I am and think fall into the tren state of mind ,,maybe this sounds crazy but its how I'm looking at it ::)




Might not change me but I do believe it probably changes other people. My old training partner has been crazy up and down since hes been on test. From super cocky all the way to super depressed. he probably should have just stayed off lol.

I might be one of those people that just aren't mentally affected much. alcohol doesn't change me either. im always very aware of myself.
