Steroids and fat loss. Myth or reality?


Well-known member
I have read on several sites where testosterone, anavar, tren, winstrol have varying degrees of fat burning properties. Yet I have also heard several experienced bodybuilders say that fat loss only comes from diet and cardio. Can someone please clarify this confusion for me once and for all.


Well-known member
As far as I can remember it goes something like this: Diet and cardio will always shed fat due to the fact that you're A)consuming less calories than your body burns at rest and B) increasing the number of calories you burn when you do cardio. The problem with a calorie deficit and cardio alone is that you may lose muscle mass but increase the definition to your muscles.

If you think about steroids like test, anavar, tren, winstrol what do they do to your body? For sure, they harden your muscles. Tren will increase your vascularity, harden your muscles, and also help you build lean muscle. Same with winny and var. But they also allow your body to recover much quicker than you would be able to without them. So when you add them to the mix (Juice, Diet, and Cardio) you speed up the results exponentially due to the fact that you're body is able to recover quicker. I forget how this goes exactly but building lean muscle helps burn fat quicker (I cannot remember why exactly).

One thing I am now realizing is that if you can figure out how many calories your body burns at rest (Basal Metabolic Rate) you can tweek your diet so you're maintaining your current weight. This will increase your muscle mass, help you burn fat but you won't actually lose/gain any weight. At least, that's what's happening to me currently.

Im sure the gurus will chime in to shed more light but hope this helps some.


Well-known member
Yeah I understand bmr. I'm talking more on the lines of how certain roids raise your metabolic rate or even elevate body temp. If this is accurate that means calorie burn and fat loss but then you have guys repeatedly saying steroids don't burn fat. That is a complete contradiction. I know diet, exercise, and roids work synergistically with each other but that isn't even what I'm asking. Plain and simply do steroids burn fat or not without adding any other considerations. Hard to get a straight answer. Thanks maniac for your input brother.


Well-known member
Sorry I guess I have gotten pretty good understanding of cycles. Guess I'm trying to begin to understand the science behind it all. Craving knowledge in my old age. Lol


Well-known member
I know what you're saying. I guess I did a poor job of answering.

Basically, the short answer is no. Steroids don't raise your BMR. They raise your lean body mass which indirectly raises your BMR. IE the leaner you are the more calories you burn.

Check this article out. Should explain it a little better:

Despite the fact that they are talking about Test E only, Tren, var and winny are similar in effects, with some being more powerful than others.


Well-known member
I've still heard many times that people on tren experience slightly elevated core body temps. That alone equals calorie burn. Idk


Well-known member
Sure but how much does that equate to an elevated BMR? If I had to guess I'd say not much.

The best way to really prove this would be to take a bunch of subjects (males) all with normal functioning testosterone levels and pin them with the same amount of the same compound weekly.

Some of the males would workout only, some makes would cardio only, some males would diet only and some males would do nothing at all. But this wouldn't account for other variables like some males would have "normal" test levels but they might be higher than others. Also, it would be difficult because of the fact that some people tolerate side effects better than others where some may have to completely stop their cycles.

The way I was thinking about this earlier was like: if I injected myself with tren and did nothing else (no workout, cardio, nor change in my diet) would I experience fat loss? Again this would solely depend on my testosterone levels being in the "normal" range. If I did experience fat loss or an increase in BMR I highly doubt it would be anything worth mentioning. I could be wrong, though.

What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Exactly my point you just said not much but can't say none. There's many that say none and I believe they are fos. Many will say you have to do cardio til your below a certain point or roids won't work right. I believe they will help you get to that point with cardio even if you have to run an additional cycle to get the desired results everyone is looking for. I appreciate your opinion maniac so don't think I am arguing with you. I actually agree with much you are saying. See I wasn't always a welder. Got a decade of medical experience as well


Well-known member
Exactly my point you just said not much but can't say none. There's many that say none and I believe they are fos.
Yeah to say none would be pretty baseless. However, the amount with which it does increase may or may not be worth mentioning. For instance; your BMR is 2200 cals. You pin tren and let's say it raises your core temp. This in turn will increase your BMR to 2300. Not hugely significant but i'd say significant enough. Especially when you consider a calorie deficit. Being able to eat 100 more calories (1800 vs 1700) is a pretty big deal. However, you and I can't say for sure that our core temps increase without actually experiencing this and measuring it while on a cycle of tren. Also, we can't say for sure how much exactly that equates to an increase in our BMR either. Let's say we do increase our BMR due to the elevated core temps. But let's say for example that we only burn 2240 cals at rest. That's not really significant at all nor worth mentioning. Again, we can't say for certain though.
Many will say you have to do cardio til your below a certain point or roids won't work right. I believe they will help you get to that point with cardio even if you have to run an additional cycle to get the desired results everyone is looking for.
100% agreed man. I started at 204. Extremely overweight for my age and height. The roids not only gave me that mental boost I needed to get my ass to the gym but I have literally went down 2 shirt sizes.
I appreciate your opinion maniac so don't think I am arguing with you. I actually agree with much you are saying. See I wasn't always a welder. Got a decade of medical experience as well
I don't think you're arguing at all. However, I encourage you to disagree with me. I think that's the best way for us to learn. I am perfectly capable of having a civil debate with you about anything we may or may not disagree on. As long as you don't put me down, I won't get offended or angry by anything you say.

That's quite a career change. Did you take a course to get certified as a Welder? I know they offered a welding class in high school and college. Wish I had taken it to be honest.


Well-known member
I'm actually a er and critical care registered nurse. Got tired of deaths and sickness, depressing as all get out. Make just as much welding without the emotional strain