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Ive been studing cycles, ive noticed while doing tren/test cycle its pinned everyday. I havent found why is that. Also never seen with taking with test c. Im obviously missing something just cant find it.




The cycles you’re looking at that are pinned ed is short ester cycles presumably. Test prop & Tren Ace. Most have found, including myself, that by pinning the Test P/ Tren A ed that tren sides are substantially less. So you’re taking lower doses ed & the levels are more stable. The only time tren should be run with test e or test c is if it’s tren e. Tren E is the long eater tren. I’m on Test E & Tren E now & I pin every Monday & Thursday. 



New member

Thanks jar, i understood the difference between the short and long esters. What got me thinking was ready about a cycle i seen out side of MG. Trena 50mg e3d,200mg testc weekly. Thier reasoning was they said they had the less tren sides. So i read several tren cycles in here and didnt see one. I trust the experience and knowledge in mg hands down



New member

I also believe this would be a cutting cycle, since its such a low dose. Which reading the diet gave me that conclusion 



New member

in my humble opinion, that would be a VERY underwhelming cycle. Waste of time? That would be your call. I HIGHLY reccomend Tren A daily. On my last cycle, I started out with 75mg ed, within A couple of days the rising and falling blood levels were glaringly obvious. I switched to 50mg ed and sides all but dissapeared. Higher overall dose, but far easier to take due to more even blood levels (for me anyways). The number one thing I can tell you about a Tren cycle that I have found is use short esters! You will find it so much easier on your body being able to fine tune your levels as the cycle progresses. If there happens to be a bad battle with sides, you can bail on it with much less risk. 




Yeah honestly that doesn’t make a lot of sense my friend. Tren A is eod minimum & ed preferably... e3d would keep bloods unstable & increase sides without a doubt. 



New member

No tren for me at all, ive read most of your guys statements while on tren. I have alot of work left before i do my next cycle, which will be test c only again with a Ai and pct before first pin



New member

It's a crazy ride brother. You'll never catch anyone on MG talking you out of using restraint when planning your cycle.



New member

I will follow dolp first 6 cycle post. It makes sense and if you follow it beneficial, aslong as you have a good diet 




I certainly wouldn't follow that cycle Bigdawg. I have no problem mixing esters but Tren Ace should be pinned minimally EOD. E3D is a waste of money, time and just nonunderstanding of the compound. 




And therein lies the key: diet! And of course training approach. You are doing yourself a great service asking before leaping, and following Dolf sober advice :)



New member

Well, if you are afraid of tren either do the Tren A which is short ester and in case sides appear you can stop it and it is quickly out of your body or simple do a Test E/C cycle with some tabs.

How this sounds to you?



New member

By no means was a trying to talk negatively of Tren, it's just a compound that you shouldn't even consider unless you have the means and intentions of dedicating yourself to it 100%. It doesn't turn me into a maniac anymore than I am already, but it definitely switches the alpha wolf switch and doesn't relent...




Study, learn, and understand the half lives of compounds. Half lives are what determines how often a compound should be pinned. Also learning the ester weights of esters will help give you a good understanding of the difference between pinning 100mg test c vs 100mg test p vs 100mg tpp.




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