Superdrol help



All the super drol I heard of was a oral , now theres a inject , im going to be honest here from what I hear about sdrol ,, id rather see you run tren , sdrol I wouldnt touch it , its to toxic and to unpredicable on bp , and other things, its deffently not for anyone with a bf over 10-11 % ,imo ,  donnie your up there in age along with me sdrol is like one of these designer drugs , that have nothing good to offer , ok let me put it this way if risk of a stroke is wortfh a little size I wish you the best , just my opion and what ive researched on it and I will 100% stand behind you show me one seasoned vvet thats been in the game , I only here them talk sdrol down , good luck my friend




Sdrol is not something I've wanted to run nor have I researched it. I don't know anyone who's ran it either.



New member

Never heard of pinable sdrol. If it's the same as that old oral stuff stay away from it. Terrible stuff




I second that Loomer1, it's a bad invention and one that has more negative feedback than positive. That should say something.



New member

Echo Milkin ,, always got gyno when running SD but never in all the yrs wile using AAS  ,, Think its changed lately as im hearing its not a potent as it used to be 
