support group



exactly what is a support group,.??? To me its a group of brothers and sisters ,that will support you ..and help you..

now.a real support group isn't going to sit here and tell you what you want to here there going to tell you what you need to hear !! Then its up to you either to catch feeling and take your ball and go home ..or be a man and say ,I guess everyone is saying this for a reason ... And the reason being peole here care ....and if they didn't they would say go run your 4 grams of gear sure its fire and.gtg....

wrong site we care we don't bash ,.and we will lead yo to water ,if you drink is your choice ,,.if not theres brothers here to pick up the pieces for you...

listen this is real ,everyone starts some where ,.or starts fucked up and looking to restart I did be honest with yourself ..and true me anyone inexperienced ,all brothers see it they care and try to,.not bash but convince to run propper ...

honestly this isn't other sites ,we don't hound on the 25  rule ,(even tho its true )....

be honest ,come in with what knowledge you know .let the brothers teaching you ,and prosper .

but.most of all be real ...and honest. .your really I old company....sieg. .




be honest. ,....your experience. Level and so on. ... This isn't a race ,but a  . Marathon, you get your the end. ... But hey each there own ..

dam guys ,lmao ,the sieg hasn't hit the forums like this in a long time ...we have alot of knew guys and I want them see where I'm at ...send pm ,wan to talk ,need help ask ...but only serous. Inquiries,

once a.year now   ,sieg it'll let it know ,...

I have time I'm back on :)) and need help.,well lets do this ...if you know ,ok.see you in recovery lounge ...


preach it my brother! caring educational group with no bs or tearing down, makes the environment warm and question friendly, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.. plus who would want to miss these famous seig rants.. ;)




exactly.,when I see something walking like a duck ,quacking like a duck.,.and has web ed feet ,to me its a duck no ?? Then way try to be a eagel lol its ok to be a duck ,in under 6 months ill have you being a flacon ,it takes a.minute to be a eagle....lmao




Sieg you are one great bro!!! You have me cracking up with some of the random stories you have just on demand, will throw out some of the best info you could ask for, and will not rest until you have helped every guy on here you can. Haven't talked to you much but i swear every post you make that I stumble across is the kinda post a fella can learn something from and most times have a laugh at while doing it!


x2 apl, seig your always busting me up with.your humor  but educating my ass at the same time giving me invaluable knowledge. much appreciated! 



New member

thats whatsup sieg. Ppl just be real, be yourself, we all in this together. We can all smell the BS, so dont try to be something your not. What is important is that you are where YOU are at, you cant try to be somewhere that your not.




I'm digging this side of you! I'm glad you guys are here for us newbies! I welcome and value our opinions! Thanks for allowing me into the family!



New member

Hot dam what if I want to run 4 grams of test a week and.TAKE no ai so I can grow bitch tits. Im just saying though. Sieg love ya bro .




ahhh thanks bro just being me ,and real ,I'm not hoe jock strap and no I don't want to be ,lol. I enjoy the steel it transforms me , and in more ways than one ....  I enjoy everything about the life ,and I'm passing on the respect I was given (at mg ,other sites ,would kick you in the nuts and then piss on you ,at least back when )....oh I got a  list.:).

hey if you can't be real.,why front I like who and what I become and your right ill help all




love you to man (no homo) and you would get along real good with the boys on b block in Sci Huntington ....if you grew tits word of lie I was in the trailers ,as a trustee ,well a detainer popper up so they put me back inside the wall ...and this is a joint like you see on ,msnbc fucked up old 600 inmates on a block ,group showers like 200 a clip ,I'm going to the shower ,here are the freaks skipping hair tied up in a bun ,going to the shower ,big titties flapping , in the shower doing each others back. .lmfao. The sieg has been some places me ,and not even a doctors finger in my butt hole ,:). I did 6 months I he hole for that ...dr true putting a pinky in to test prostate and I knocked him out



New member

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Thanks Sieg! That's what I love about this board. I have a lot to learn and I know you guys are here to help brothers like me out. I appreciate it!
