Sust/testC and winstrol


New member

I have found the Sust gives me a kick pretty much every time I pin it. Why I like it. Plus for me it gives me a bit more of a blend, a super blend if you want. The short/med esters kick in quick and long I can get to 650mg of total test. Been my favorite for years. 



New member

i will have to give that a try. Once again, out of the box thinking. I never mixed Orals because I thought it would be twice as bad for some reason :)) to be honest, never tried Mast. Heard different things on it, but if it’s close to Winstrol I’ll give it a try. I love Winny... just get rock solid as a MFr...




50mg of a c17 is 50mg of a c17. 

Winny does dry you out like a motherfucker, and gives great muscle hardness! The joint issues are the problem for most. Mast, var, and to a certain extent tbol does as well.




Masteron is a great compound for muscle hardness and increased vascularity. It may cause one to grow a ton of body hair, or cause male pattern balding if one is susceptible. It can also cause swelling of the prostate. I use it every cycle, not that everyone should. I don't get dry joints from it. Effective dose seems to be 400-700mg per week, I stick with 700 myself. Most will say that to really get the benefit for masteron, the bf% should be no higher than 12%, though sub-10, it really shines. It also controls shbg thus freeing up more test to bind to target receptors.
