Sustanon 250 for first cycle?


New member

Hello mates I am 30 years old 6 foot 2 inches 165 lbs. I've read up and think I want to try sustanon 250 for my first cycle. I want to get bigger and I'll be honest my testosterone is low... I have always been confident and athletic but now as I age and my joints deteriorate I find it hard to even leave the house. I know it's low t. My woman notices the changes but doesn't say anything. We've been together since 2009. Anyway I obviously want advice from experienced people. Guys I want to feel like a lion again.  How much do you suggest I take? Am I wrong to choose250 over sustanon 350? Should I add something else?


I will be ordering arimidex, hcg (instead of clomid) and finasteride because I don't want to go bald just yet. 



New member

I also wanted to add that I am in good shape. I weigh myself in the morning after I poop and pee and get 165 lbs. I take kickboxing classes 4 days a week and I can bench 185 5 times and squat 225. This is with a injured knee neck and more. I just can't get over 165 lbs. 5 years ago I weighed a steady 190 and I've always had no body fat




I would suggest getting blood work first. It's not a good idea to just guess, or assume. Bloods first, advice after that :)

But, to answer one question: test only, nothing else. Oh, HCG doesn't replace clomid in pct, you should go research a little more. Go to new to steroids, first cycle check list, maybe hit th trt forum for some more nuggets on low testosterone and such, then proceed from there.

Post up blood work results when you get them. Good stuff. :)



New member

Please dont take this as an attack or insult, but if you CANT get above 165 naturally, a cycle of test isn't going to be your magic boost to finally get over the hump. Even if you do, it will dissapear. There has to be a lack of calories or weak link in your diet somewhere. Remedying that situation would probably be of more benefit that gear. I'm not in any way saying that your diet is shit, it could be as clean as a whistle for all I know, but if you're not eating enough, no amount of gear is going to change that. That being said, I am in no way trying to talk you out of a cycle. Do some research and dig as deep as you can in the forums and PLEASE be open to our questions and advice, we are only here to help and see you succeed!




and even if it does and there's no balding in the gene pool, it grows back. I lost some running a DHT derivative. Still got my head of hair. 




Sust is not recommended as a 1st cycle. Most sust oils are brewed with 4 esters and sould be pinned at least Mon, wed, Fri. IMO it should be pinned EOD. 2 of the esters are propionate and phenylpropianate. They both will leave you with pip. Being that you have not cycled and your muscles are virgin to pinning you really shouldn't use sust. And definitely not Sust 350. JD gave you great advice.  I would have to say work on your diet and natural bulking before jumping into AAS use.




Good choice... Never discouraging you brother, Just lookin out..... If you decide in the future to cycle that's up to you. Just try to maximize your Natural potential. I don't just say words bro. I didn't start using till I was 43 yo. All my friends have been juicing since their 20's. I have quality muscle now and they look like shit unless on cycle...



Well-known member

+2 SPD for taking advice and direction. Research and then research some more. Your health could depend on it. :)





New member

Hey straw I think you were the guy who posted on his intro that you were in a motorcycle wreck here 5 years and have worked hard to be able to do kickboxing and other things in the gym now. So therefore I am going to give you a lil help and point you in the right direction. So I am going to throw out some questions:

1-How do you know your test is low? Is it something you "think" is going on? Or your saying cuz your now 30? or have you had bloodwork done?  Reason is if you actually have low T then you need to look into seeing a ND or DR about TRT therapy.

2-whats your diet like? simple question....but not really lol. Whats your TDEE? Are you tracking your daily calorie intake including Protein/Carbs/Fat? If not you need a phone app like MyFitnessPal or MyPlate. Because just like these guys are saying if your not giving your body enough food to wont grow. And plain and simply the better your diet the better results you will get, ESPECIALLY when it comes to using steroids!

3-Whats your training like? Are you doing lots of cardio? Reason I ask is you say you do kick boxing 4 times a week. So are you doing weight training? How many days a week of both? Cuz if your calories are low and lots of cardio actually equals weight loss not weight gain, that's called a diet. Another big reason I ask is because if your body is not physically fit enough then steroids can actually be hard on your joints, tendons, and other stuff and can be unhealthy.

Now let me clarify a few things for you on some of the stuff you mentioned above. You do not want to do sustanon for your first cycle. Its a blend of 4 different testosterones with different esters to slow down the time it takes your body to absorb them. And a couple of problems is first your taking 4 different types instead of 1, which means chances for more complications. Second Some are fast acting esters and some are long which means you will have to pin 3 times a week instead of 2 to keep your blood levels stable, and you haven't learned how to do that yet. Third the faster acting ester can cause more problems with PIP . Fourth if you take 350 instead of 250 then that means you have a more concentrated version, more concentrated means more chances of PIP, especially on "virgin" muscle. Test Enanthate is much easier for a new person, you only have to inject twice a week, plus its easier to learn to control your e2 (estrogen).

Next you cant take HCG DURING your PCT. HCG also suppresses your testosterone production and causes e2 to rise. You take clomid and nolvadex because you are trying to RESTART your testes and if you take HCG while taking your PCT then your countering exactly what your trying to do. 

Also just like JD said just because you take something doesn't mean your going to get it. Like if it says male pattern baldness.....first if your genetically prone to male pattern baldness and already fighting it then yes it could possible make it worse.....or not depending on how each individuals body reacts. Second it also depends on how much your taking. If you take 1000mg of test compared to 100mg then you may be a lot more prone to get acne, each person reacts differently. Remember a lot of stuff has possible side effects with some that are a guaranteed side effect like orals being hard on your liver. 

Last but not least research and understand everything you are taking and know WHY your taking. Never guess with your health! Also here is a good place with lots of info to help get your research into steroids started:

I hope this clarifies the reasoning behind why everyone has said what they have to you so far. In the end we are not trying to be mean, we are just trying to keep people as safe as possible because no steroid cycle is completely safe.




New member

I'm going to buy a bunch of weight gainers and put on some more weight. I'll be in the forums while I do so. Than you guys and yes that was me I was ran over, I made that post yes sir



New member

Weight gainers and protein powders are a helpful addition to your diet in order to squeeze in a few more calories, but 75%+ of your diet needs to be coming from whole food. Rice, potatoes, eggs, chicken, beef, tuna etc. Anothet thing to consider is that if you have trouble gaining weight, you may have to increase calories to the point where you gain some bodyfat as well. That's nothing to be scared of, that's just part of the game. You can always get rid of the bodyfat once your base is where you want it. Muscle burns calories just in the act of maintaining itself. 




In my opinion, I think you should consider dialing in your diet, and instantiate good habits and routines in that arena. Next, dial in your training, increase intensity, discover and utilize new techniques to build strength and muscle. You really want to get your tendons strengthened. Also, since you had some injuries, find out your limitations with respect to those injuries and do what you can to correct those. Finally,  your bloodworly done. Ascertain from the results of anything need corrected like lipids, and liver values. It will also be quite valuable to know your baseline value for free and total testosterone. It's less important to gain weight, just to gain weight. Your weight isn't that important, it's the health markers and habits that matter. This is lifestyle, and it's a marathon, not a sprint.  So, again, I don't think "gaining weight" should be the focus, lifestyle changes and knowing your blood levels and health markers ought to be the focus.





This is a fun and informative thread ;)




Strong said it sust done the right way is either done ed or eod shots so I wouldn't go that way a lot of guys think sust is king but test is test just different delivery systems into your body.




I have no worthy advice relative to these experienced people but maybe I can be of some value.

I am just ending my first 'cycle' and it mostly consisted of Sust. 350.  I took .8ml twice a week. 

While I was and am extremely happy with the results...I feel better, heal much faster, lost 6% body fat but added 5lbs total body weight in muscle. I also wish I had done a lot more research, which you are wisely doing now. I was late in adding Arimidex but still avoided any side effects.

I have however been on too long and wish I had known about the option of taking HCG during cycle to keep my testicles from being the size of small acorns.

Also I wish I had known about doing a proper blood test before and during cycle! That would have been a HUGE help then, now and moving forward.

So for what it's worth from one beginner to another. 1) Well done doing what I didn't do and researching and getting advice before hand!

2) While I had good results I wish I had begun with a less 'strong' steroid. Keep in mind I am also 52 and that does matter a little bit.

3) My best advice for what it's worth. Begin with the end in mind. You have a resource here that can do this for you.  Thus what is your goal? What is the best path to achieving it? How will you come off and keep your gains? Do you plan to cycle on and off for years and years or is this a one time and off forever attempt?

Again, there are obviously so many that know more than I do but I thought maybe the recent experience of someone who just did what your talking about might be of some help. Best wishes to you sir!




+1 for sharing your mistakes, and what (and that) you've learned from them. Real world, honest input is great for newbies and the experienced alike. The best mistakes to learn from are those made by others, so long as you learn. Mistakes become happy accidents when you're the wiser from learning not to do THAR again ;) believe me I'm still learning! (Keeps ya young)

As an aside, I've yet to see a person just do it once and put it down. I'm sure they are out there, but I have yet to meet them lol! Shit, I thought I was going to do it once...then forget about it...
