Sustanon 250 for first cycle?


New member

I am happy to see this coming from you bobby. If I remember right you were the one I came down on pretty hard a while back. I know it was rough but it was done for a reason, and the way your giving advice that your giving right now is that specific reason. I am EXTREMELY happy to see that your way of thinking has changed, and that you dropped the dangerous idea you had before and are now coming off cycle onto a PCT. Kudos to you my brotha! And good advice is good advice no matter whether it comes from bad decisions, experienced, or inexperienced people. So again welcome back to the forums bobby and I hope to see you giving more good advice from the knowledge you have gained in the future my friend, this is why we do what we do. 

*walks away smiling*



New member

Okay chaps I've put on some weight quick just by eating more. 5 lbs. no bs. This is weighing myself after peeing and pooping in the morning. I reckon I'll be at 175-180 by the end of July.  All muscle no fat. I have decided what I want to do, I would love to chat in private.  

anyone want to chat in private? 




A lot of weight gain is water. Takes a lot longer to actually build keepable muscle. The body has to build capillaries and nerves to supply blood and activation to the new muscles respectively as well. Nutrition and training are the driving forces. What we are really aiming for is to establish a new set point. A set point  that state where the body has recognized as what is natural to that body. If you have been say 170 lbs with x% body fat for 10 years, 8-12 weeks is not going to change that set point. Sure one may hit 200, but without maintaining  long term consistency in nutrition and training, that person, without a doubt return to 170 pretty damn quick merely for that fact that the total metabolic, and regulatory profile of said individual has not changed much if at all. Think of it this way:

Igor is a pack rat, a horder.  He has been so for most of his life. Igor wants a girlfriend but every time he brings a girl over she runs home. Girls just dont like such a messy house. Igor seeks the help of a therapist to help him with his compulsion to hoard things. A few weeks into therapy, igor cleans out his house of the crap. Igor is uncomfortable with the new change and tosses and turns every night in his sleep. He try's very hard to get a girl, but Igor already has a bad reputation in this small town.  Finally, a new girl comes through town, and after a few drinks, he convinces her to come over to his house. Igor gets lucky that night, but this new girl is just passing through on her way to Timbuktu. Igor thinking all is cool and groovy now decides he would like to go his favorite place where he collected the widgets he loved so much. Only once, he says to himself. He gets a few lovely widgets and takes them  home. The next day he gets more, and even more after that. Without even noticing his house is full of widgets, and he is once again sleeping well. He altogether stopped seeing the therapist and no longer gets lucky. 

Our bodies our similar. If Igor had taken more time from hoarding widgets, Igor may have even scored himself a LONG TERM mate (or gains).

Changing life patterns and ones own biology takes time. We didn't become bipedal humans overnight, it took millions of years.



New member

I see exactly what you're saying. I've always had issues keeping weight on. It's my eating habits. I need to eat more for the rest of my life. 



New member

Hey everyone I am back and doing great!
I've gained a bit of muscle and I've toned up. Weighing 180 body fat at 15%
I'm now ONLY eating eggs and tortillas with my own home made salsa and sometimes wild game. Peanut butter and jelly. and i'm having two vegetable smoothies every day. Also I'm drinking consistently 2 gallons of water each day.
I have been thinking and thinking about doing a cycle. I want to get bigger but can't seem to get over 180 lbs no matter how much i eat and I'm eating a lot of these tacos. I'm in the gym every day and I feel like I've reached my peak.

What do you more experienced guys suggest?



New member

I'm no expert here bro but I've been in you're shoes weighing in at 180 my whole life, and at 6'3 that's nowhere near what I wanted to be. I started training legs a lot more frequently & cooking chicken and rice to last me the whole week (crock pot will be your best friend). Now I'm 220-230 at 30 years old getting ready for my first cycle also. You just have to eat eat & eat, plan out your meals & spread them out. Don't just stuff your face tho cuz you want to be able to eat again in 2 hours. As for first cycle go test only, believe me it's hard for me to do only test when I have a full bottle of dbol just sitting here Lol.. but it really is for the best. You don't know how your body will react to it & you might get gyno from estro. Your body could even be estro sensitive to just a regular test cycle, so having ai on hand at all times is a must of course!



Well-known member

You are getting close but at 15% BF you haven't reached your peak. You are just beginning to see the superior muscle definition that a lower body fat percentage brings. If you are committed to running a cycle then 500mg/week of TestE or C. Get a good AI and visit the "New to Steroids" section. There is a complete outline of a recommended first cycle. Have everything on hand including your PCT before starting your cycle.






What does your training split and method look like? In other words, a bro split (not knocking it, it works pretty good), high volume, frequency, intensity? Days per week or month? 




A new site is being built offline, and is causing some bug issues here. It's annoying but hopefully worth it.



New member

I'm doing full body workouts every other day. squats, bench, curls, pull ups, sit ups and I end with pushups. I am also boxing 5 days a week 3 hours a day. I eat 5 egg tacos (6 eggs), a sausage taco, and a vegetable smoothy (celery, carrots, kale, spinach, orange, broccoli, maca root powder, hemp powder, and chia seeds every morning and night. I drink 2-3 gallons of distilled water a day with a swig of apple cider vinegar. I also occasionally am eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a ton of peanut butter. I am taking Calcium, magnesium, zinc @ 200% daily value every day with a little bit of saw palmetto. I've been meaning to get some B Vitamins but havent yet. I've been doing this for 4.5 months now and I'm ready to step it up. I still cannot figure out how to get what I need. I know I can order Arimidex, Clomid, and HCG from a chinese UP. I don't know how to get the other stuff like Testosterone Cypionate (TestC) or Enanthate (TestE) or Tamoxifen.




This is a review site my man. Just go to the source page you can read reviews, look at their web pages, and order from the source you choose. You can also pm other members you trust, and ask them about their experiences with any of the sources you're looking at. 




Some great sources for supply off the main page. I have reviewed a couple myself, feel free to PM anytime if you want one on one opinion.

Advice: Draft an idea of the cycle you want to try for your first run and get some input from some of the "guru's" before you order.

I have two bottles of Tren rotting in my desk drawer because I sought input after I bought instead of before....sad waste of money as I am not ready for Tren!  

Be wise, be careful and enjoy. Remember at the end of the day this site is for research and advice by you are going to do what your going to do...good or bad.

Last little bit. I was talking with a guy in my office earlier this week. His Dad is an old school body builder and aas user from the 70's and 80's. and he mentioned his Dad's one pet peeve....its that so many folks think you just shoot a substance into your body and a muscle grows.  You have to do the work, the substance does nothing good on it's own....earn the right through gym work first and then try Testosterone but only ignorant people think Testosterone without work builds muscle and (his words) even then the work matters for the majority of the gains!  

I found that very wise and motivating so I hope you don't mind my sharing. Good luck!




X2 & +3 bobby!

I'll add this...aas allow you to push yourself harder, longer, and recover faster than the natty guy. If you're not taking advantage of every aspect of those advantages you are cheating yourself! Plain and simple!
