

New member

I've noticed a change when I'm working out, having sex, or any strenuous exercise. I sweat a lot, more than usual and it has a certain aroma! I drink a lot of water everyday, probably on the conservative side, but about 2 gallons. I shower everyday and sometimes twice a day. Right now I'm cycling sus and npp. Is it me or does the gear cause this?




I have the same problem. People at work have commented on it. 




Nope. I sweat like a whore in church and it does have a certain aroma. I say it's the smell of manliness in all its glory.



New member

Its the gear and it kind of sucks. I sweat like a pig and even the simple act of eating makes me break out in a sheen. If you take tren its even worse and the smell of the sweat is worse too. I wish I had an answer for you as to how you can reduce it but I don't.   The worst is at night waking up drenched.

  BTW hows that sust npp combo treating you so far ?  M,W,F right ?




Its the gear , when I was running tren , I stunk like I dont know cat piss it was horrible ,   so its not you and sweat forget about it ,




When I drink my coffee in the morning I start sweating like a pig. Don't stop till I get home from the gym and shower 14 hrs later.



New member

Yikes!  Am I walking around smelling like a catbox?  I have a cat, so if tren sweat smells like cat pee, I'm probably desensitized to it.  Normally, I'm not a big sweater, so I like the increased pore flow--makes me feel like I'm working harder in the gym than I probably am.   



New member

The sus, npp, and proviron is great! Yes MWF, and I'm taking 12.5 of aromasin eod. The pumps in the gym are amazing, very little recovery time, and my energy is thru the roof! I'm not concerned with the sweating, was just curious if it's the gear or just me!
